►CHermes::Hermes2D::AdaptivityStoppingCriterion< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::AdaptStoppingCriterionCumulative< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::AdaptStoppingCriterionLevels< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::AdaptStoppingCriterionSingleElement< Scalar > | |
►CHermes::Hermes2D::AdaptSolverCriterion | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::AdaptSolverCriterionErrorThreshold | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::AdaptSolverCriterionFixed | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::Api2D | API Class containing settings for the whole Hermes2D |
CHermes::Hermes2D::AsmList< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::Space< Scalar >::BaseComponent | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::Views::BitmapFileHeader | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::Views::BitmapInfoHeader | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::RefinementSelectors::Cand | A candidate |
CHermes::Hermes2D::RefinementSelectors::OptimumSelector< Scalar >::CandsInfo | Information about candidates |
►CHermes::Hermes2D::Curve | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::Arc | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::Nurbs | Represents one NURBS curve |
CHermes::Hermes2D::CurvMap | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::CurvMapStatic | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::ErrorThreadCalculator< Scalar >::DGErrorCalculator | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::WeakFormsNeutronics::Multigroup::ElementaryForms::Diffusion::DiffusionReaction | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::DiscreteProblemDGAssembler< Scalar > | |
►CHermes::Hermes2D::Mixins::DiscreteProblemMatrixVector< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::DiscreteProblem< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::DiscreteProblemThreadAssembler< Scalar > | This class is a one-thread (non-DG) assembly worker |
►CHermes::Hermes2D::Mixins::DiscreteProblemRungeKutta< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::DiscreteProblem< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::DiscreteProblemIntegrationOrderCalculator< Scalar > | Provides methods of integration order calculation |
CHermes::Hermes2D::DiscreteProblemSelectiveAssembler< Scalar > | Provides capabilities to (re-)assemble a matrix / vector only where necessary. See also Solver::keep_element_values() |
CHermes::Hermes2D::DiscreteProblemThreadAssembler< Scalar > | This class is a one-thread (non-DG) assembly worker |
►CHermes::Hermes2D::Mixins::DiscreteProblemWeakForm< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::DiscreteProblem< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::DiscreteProblemSelectiveAssembler< Scalar > | Provides capabilities to (re-)assemble a matrix / vector only where necessary. See also Solver::keep_element_values() |
CHermes::Hermes2D::DiscreteProblemThreadAssembler< Scalar > | This class is a one-thread (non-DG) assembly worker |
►CHermes::Hermes2D::Solver< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::LinearSolver< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::NewtonSolver< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::PicardSolver< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::Space< Scalar >::EdgeInfo | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::EggShell | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::Element | Stores one element of a mesh |
CHermes::Hermes2D::Space< Scalar >::ElementData | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::Views::ScalarView::ElementInfo | < element info structure |
CHermes::Hermes2D::ErrorCalculator< Scalar >::ElementReference | A reference to an element |
CHermes::Hermes2D::ElementToRefine | A refinement record |
CHermes::Hermes2D::RefinementSelectors::ProjBasedSelector< Scalar >::ElemGIP | Integration points in the reference domain of an element of a candidate |
CHermes::Hermes2D::RefinementSelectors::ProjBasedSelector< Scalar >::ElemProj | Projection of an element of a candidate |
CHermes::Hermes2D::RefinementSelectors::ProjBasedSelector< Scalar >::ElemSubShapeFunc | A shape function on subdomain of an element |
CHermes::Hermes2D::RefinementSelectors::ProjBasedSelector< Scalar >::ElemSubTrf | A transformation from a reference domain of a subdomain to a reference domain of an element of a candidate |
CHermes::Hermes2D::WeakFormsNeutronics::Multigroup::MaterialProperties::ValidationFunctors::ensure_size | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::WeakFormsNeutronics::Multigroup::MaterialProperties::ValidationFunctors::ensure_trivial | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::ErrorThreadCalculator< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::EssentialBCs< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::NeighborSearch< Scalar >::ExtendedShapeset | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::WeakFormsNeutronics::Multigroup::ElementaryForms::Diffusion::ExternalSources | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::WeakFormsNeutronics::Multigroup::ElementaryForms::Diffusion::FissionYield | |
►CHermes::Hermes2D::Form< Scalar > | Abstract, base class for any form - i.e. integral in the weak formulation of (a system of) PDE
By default, the form is initialized with the following natural attributes:
►CHermes::Hermes2D::MatrixForm< Scalar > | Abstract, base class for matrix form - i.e. a single integral in the bilinear form on the left hand side of the variational formulation of a (system of) PDE.
By default, the matrix form is initialized with the following natural attribute:
►CHermes::Hermes2D::MatrixFormSurf< Scalar > | Abstract, base class for matrix Surface form - i.e. MatrixForm, where the integration is with respect to 1D-Lebesgue measure (element domain-boundary edges) |
CHermes::Hermes2D::WeakFormsH1::DefaultJacobianFormSurf< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::WeakFormsH1::DefaultMatrixFormSurf< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::WeakFormsHcurl::DefaultMatrixFormSurf< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::WeakFormsNeutronics::Multigroup::ElementaryForms::Diffusion::VacuumBoundaryCondition::Jacobian< Scalar > | |
►CHermes::Hermes2D::MatrixFormVol< Scalar > | Abstract, base class for matrix Volumetric form - i.e. MatrixForm, where the integration is with respect to 2D-Lebesgue measure (elements) |
CHermes::Hermes2D::MatrixDefaultNormFormVol< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::WeakFormsElasticity::DefaultJacobianElasticity_0_0< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::WeakFormsElasticity::DefaultJacobianElasticity_0_1< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::WeakFormsElasticity::DefaultJacobianElasticity_1_1< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::WeakFormsH1::DefaultJacobianAdvection< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::WeakFormsH1::DefaultJacobianDiffusion< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::WeakFormsH1::DefaultMatrixFormDiffusion< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::WeakFormsH1::DefaultMatrixFormVol< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::WeakFormsHcurl::DefaultJacobianCurlCurl< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::WeakFormsHcurl::DefaultMatrixFormVol< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::WeakFormsMaxwell::DefaultJacobianMagnetostatics< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::WeakFormsNeutronics::Multigroup::ElementaryForms::Diffusion::DiffusionReaction::Jacobian< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::WeakFormsNeutronics::Multigroup::ElementaryForms::Diffusion::FissionYield::Jacobian< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::WeakFormsNeutronics::Multigroup::ElementaryForms::Diffusion::Scattering::Jacobian< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::MatrixFormDG< Scalar > | Abstract, base class for matrix DG form - i.e. bilinear form, where the integration is with respect to 1D-Lebesgue measure (element inner-domain edges) |
►CHermes::Hermes2D::VectorForm< Scalar > | Abstract, base class for vector form - i.e. a single integral in the linear form on the right hand side of the variational formulation of a (system of) PDE |
►CHermes::Hermes2D::VectorFormSurf< Scalar > | Abstract, base class for vector Surface form - i.e. VectorForm, where the integration is with respect to 1D-Lebesgue measure (element domain-boundary edges) |
CHermes::Hermes2D::WeakFormsH1::DefaultResidualSurf< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::WeakFormsH1::DefaultVectorFormSurf< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::WeakFormsHcurl::DefaultResidualSurf< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::WeakFormsHcurl::DefaultVectorFormSurf< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::WeakFormsNeutronics::Multigroup::ElementaryForms::Diffusion::VacuumBoundaryCondition::Residual< Scalar > | |
►CHermes::Hermes2D::VectorFormVol< Scalar > | Abstract, base class for vector Volumetric form - i.e. VectorForm, where the integration is with respect to 2D-Lebesgue measure (elements) |
CHermes::Hermes2D::VectorDefaultNormFormVol< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::WeakFormsElasticity::DefaultResidualElasticity_0_0< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::WeakFormsElasticity::DefaultResidualElasticity_0_1< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::WeakFormsElasticity::DefaultResidualElasticity_1_0< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::WeakFormsElasticity::DefaultResidualElasticity_1_1< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::WeakFormsH1::DefaultResidualAdvection< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::WeakFormsH1::DefaultResidualDiffusion< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::WeakFormsH1::DefaultResidualVol< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::WeakFormsH1::DefaultVectorFormVol< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::WeakFormsHcurl::DefaultResidualCurlCurl< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::WeakFormsHcurl::DefaultResidualVol< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::WeakFormsHcurl::DefaultVectorFormVol< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::WeakFormsMaxwell::DefaultResidualMagnetostatics< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::WeakFormsNeutronics::Multigroup::ElementaryForms::Diffusion::DiffusionReaction::Residual< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::WeakFormsNeutronics::Multigroup::ElementaryForms::Diffusion::ExternalSources::LinearForm< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::WeakFormsNeutronics::Multigroup::ElementaryForms::Diffusion::FissionYield::OuterIterationForm< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::WeakFormsNeutronics::Multigroup::ElementaryForms::Diffusion::FissionYield::Residual< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::WeakFormsNeutronics::Multigroup::ElementaryForms::Diffusion::Scattering::Residual< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::VectorFormDG< Scalar > | Abstract, base class for vector DG form - i.e. linear Form, where the integration is with respect to 1D-Lebesgue measure (element inner-domain edges) |
CHermes::Hermes2D::Func< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::Func< double > | Calculated function values (from the class Function) on an element for assembling |
CHermes::Hermes2D::Func< Hermes::Ord > | |
►CHermes::Hermes2D::Func< Ord > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::DiscontinuousFunc< Ord > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::Func< std::complex< double > > | Calculated function values (from the class Function) on an element for assembling |
►CHermes::Hermes2D::Func< T > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::DiscontinuousFunc< T > | This class represents a function with jump discontinuity on an interface of two elements |
►CHermes::Hermes2D::WeakFormsNeutronics::Multigroup::ElementaryForms::Diffusion::GenericForm | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::WeakFormsNeutronics::Multigroup::ElementaryForms::Diffusion::DiffusionReaction::Jacobian< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::WeakFormsNeutronics::Multigroup::ElementaryForms::Diffusion::DiffusionReaction::Residual< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::WeakFormsNeutronics::Multigroup::ElementaryForms::Diffusion::ExternalSources::LinearForm< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::WeakFormsNeutronics::Multigroup::ElementaryForms::Diffusion::FissionYield::Jacobian< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::WeakFormsNeutronics::Multigroup::ElementaryForms::Diffusion::FissionYield::OuterIterationForm< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::WeakFormsNeutronics::Multigroup::ElementaryForms::Diffusion::FissionYield::Residual< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::WeakFormsNeutronics::Multigroup::ElementaryForms::Diffusion::Scattering::Jacobian< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::WeakFormsNeutronics::Multigroup::ElementaryForms::Diffusion::Scattering::Residual< Scalar > | |
►CHermes::Hermes2D::Geom< T > | Geometry (coordinates, normals, tangents) of either an element or an edge |
CHermes::Hermes2D::GeomSurf< double > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::GeomVol< double > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::GeomSurf< T > | Geometry - surface |
CHermes::Hermes2D::GeomVol< T > | Geometry - volumetric |
CHermes::Hermes2D::GeomSurf< Hermes::Ord > | Geometry - surface - for order calculation |
CHermes::Hermes2D::GeomVol< Hermes::Ord > | Geometry - volumetric - for order calculation |
CHermes::Hermes2D::Views::ScalarView::GLVertex2 | < OpenGL vertex. Used to cache vertices prior rendering |
►CHermes1DFunction | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::CubicSpline | |
►CIntegrableWithGlobalOrder | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::DiscreteProblem< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::Solver< Scalar > | |
►CHermes::Hermes2D::WeakForm< Scalar > | Represents the weak formulation of a PDE problem |
CHermes::Hermes2D::WeakFormsH1::DefaultWeakFormLaplace< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::WeakFormsH1::DefaultWeakFormLaplaceLinear< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::WeakFormsH1::DefaultWeakFormPoisson< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::WeakFormsH1::DefaultWeakFormPoissonLinear< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::WeakFormsNeutronics::Monoenergetic::Diffusion::DefaultWeakFormFixedSource< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::WeakFormsNeutronics::Multigroup::CompleteWeakForms::Diffusion::DefaultWeakFormFixedSource< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::WeakFormsNeutronics::Multigroup::CompleteWeakForms::Diffusion::DefaultWeakFormSourceIteration< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::InterfaceGeom< T > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::InterfaceGeom< Hermes::Ord > | Geometry - interface (DG) - for order calculation |
CHermes::Hermes2D::Mesh::MarkersConversion::IntValid | Struct for return type of get_internal_marker() |
CHermes::Hermes2D::Views::LinearizerMultidimensional< LinearizerDataDimensions >::Iterator< T > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::KellyTypeAdapt< Scalar > | |
►CHermes::Hermes2D::Views::LinearizerCriterion | Abstract class for criterion according to which the linearizer stops dividing elements at some point Class is not abstract per say, but works as a base class for the following classes |
CHermes::Hermes2D::Views::LinearizerCriterionAdaptive | Adaptive Linearizer criterion - error tolerance (see further) where the element division stops Error tolerance here is the relative improvement of quality that the currently proposed element division would bring. If this quantity is below the specified tolerance, the currently proposed division is not made and the division algorithm for the current element stops |
CHermes::Hermes2D::Views::LinearizerCriterionFixed | Simple Linearizer criterion - every element is refined exactly the same number of times. This number is specified in the constructor |
►CLoggable | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::Adapt< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::AdaptSolver< Scalar, SolverType > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::DiscreteProblem< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::DiscreteProblemSelectiveAssembler< Scalar > | Provides capabilities to (re-)assemble a matrix / vector only where necessary. See also Solver::keep_element_values() |
►CHermes::Hermes2D::ErrorCalculator< Scalar > | Evaluation of an error between a (coarse) solution and a reference solution |
CHermes::Hermes2D::DefaultErrorCalculator< Scalar, normType > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::DefaultNormCalculator< Scalar, normType > | |
►CHermes::Hermes2D::EssentialBoundaryCondition< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::DefaultEssentialBCConst< Scalar > | Class representing constant essential boundary condition |
CHermes::Hermes2D::DefaultEssentialBCNonConst< Scalar > | |
►CHermes::Hermes2D::Graph | |
►CHermes::Hermes2D::GnuplotGraph | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::PNGGraph | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::MatlabGraph | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::SimpleGraph | |
►CHermes::Hermes2D::HashTable | Stores and searches node tables |
CHermes::Hermes2D::Mesh | Represents a finite element mesh. Typical usage: MeshSharedPtr mesh; Hermes::Hermes2D::MeshReaderH2DXML mloader; try { mloader.load("mesh.xml", &mesh); } catch(Exceptions::MeshLoadFailureException& e) { e.print_msg(); return -1; } |
►CHermes::Hermes2D::MeshReader | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::MeshReaderExodusII | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::MeshReaderH1DXML | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::MeshReaderH2D | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::MeshReaderH2DXML | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::OGProjection< Scalar > | Class for (global) orthogonal projecting. If the projection is not necessary (if a solution belongs to the space), then its solution vector is used |
►CHermes::Hermes2D::PostProcessing::IntegralCalculator< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::PostProcessing::SurfaceIntegralCalculator< Scalar > | Surface integral calculator |
CHermes::Hermes2D::PostProcessing::VolumetricIntegralCalculator< Scalar > | Volumetric integral calculator |
►CHermes::Hermes2D::PostProcessing::Limiter< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::PostProcessing::VertexBasedLimiter | |
►CHermes::Hermes2D::RefinementSelectors::Selector< Scalar > | A parent of all refinement selectors. Abstract class |
CHermes::Hermes2D::RefinementSelectors::HOnlySelector< Scalar > | A selector that selects H-refinements only |
►CHermes::Hermes2D::RefinementSelectors::OptimumSelector< Scalar > | A selector that chooses an optimal candidates based on a score |
►CHermes::Hermes2D::RefinementSelectors::ProjBasedSelector< Scalar > | A general projection-based selector |
CHermes::Hermes2D::RefinementSelectors::H1ProjBasedSelector< Scalar > | A projection-based selector for H1 space |
CHermes::Hermes2D::RefinementSelectors::HcurlProjBasedSelector< Scalar > | A projection-based selector for Hcurl space |
CHermes::Hermes2D::RefinementSelectors::L2ProjBasedSelector< Scalar > | A projection-based selector for L2 space |
CHermes::Hermes2D::RefinementSelectors::POnlySelector< Scalar > | A selector that increases order (i.e., it selects P-refinements only) |
►CHermes::Hermes2D::Shapeset | Should be exactly the same as is the count of enum ShapesetType |
CHermes::Hermes2D::H1ShapesetJacobi | Shape functions based on integrated Jacobi polynomials |
CHermes::Hermes2D::HcurlShapesetGradLeg | H(curl) shapeset with Legendre bubbles and gradients of H1 functions as edges |
CHermes::Hermes2D::HdivShapesetLegendre | H(div) shapeset based on Legendre polynomials |
CHermes::Hermes2D::L2ShapesetLegendre | L2 shapeset - products of legendre polynomials |
CHermes::Hermes2D::L2ShapesetTaylor | L2 Taylor shapeset - Taylor basis functions as proposed by Kuzmin, Luo |
►CHermes::Hermes2D::Space< Scalar > | Represents a finite element space over a domain |
CHermes::Hermes2D::H1Space< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::HcurlSpace< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::HdivSpace< Scalar > | |
►CHermes::Hermes2D::L2Space< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::L2MarkerWiseConstSpace< Scalar > | |
►CHermes::Hermes2D::Transformable | |
►CHermes::Hermes2D::Function< double > | |
►CHermes::Hermes2D::PrecalcShapeset | Caches precalculated shape function values |
►CHermes::Hermes2D::PrecalcShapesetAssembling | PrecalcShapeset variant for fast assembling |
CHermes::Hermes2D::PrecalcShapesetAssemblingInternal | |
►CHermes::Hermes2D::MeshFunction< double > | |
►CHermes::Hermes2D::Filter< double > | |
►CHermes::Hermes2D::ComplexFilter | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::ComplexAbsFilter | Computes the absolute value of a complex solution |
CHermes::Hermes2D::ImagFilter | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::RealFilter | Removes the imaginary part from a function |
CHermes::Hermes2D::VonMisesFilter | Calculates the Von Mises stress |
►CHermes::Hermes2D::SimpleFilter< double > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::AbsFilter | Calculates absolute value of a real solution |
CHermes::Hermes2D::BottomValFilter | BottomValFilter takes functions and puts a threshold on their lowest values |
CHermes::Hermes2D::TopValFilter | TopValFilter takes functions and puts a threshold on their highest values |
CHermes::Hermes2D::ValFilter | ValFilter takes functions and puts a threshold on their lowest AND highest values |
CHermes::Hermes2D::WeakFormsNeutronics::Multigroup::SupportClasses::SourceFilter | |
►CHermes::Hermes2D::Solution< double > | |
►CHermes::Hermes2D::ExactSolution< double > | |
►CHermes::Hermes2D::ExactSolutionScalar< double > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::ExactSolutionEggShell | Eggshell function |
►CHermes::Hermes2D::Function< Scalar > | Represents an arbitrary function defined on an element |
►CHermes::Hermes2D::MeshFunction< Scalar > | Represents a function defined on a mesh |
►CHermes::Hermes2D::Filter< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::DXDYFilter< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::LinearFilter< Scalar > | |
►CHermes::Hermes2D::SimpleFilter< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::DiffFilter< Scalar > | Calculates the difference of two functions |
CHermes::Hermes2D::MagFilter< Scalar > | Calculates the magnitude of a vector function |
CHermes::Hermes2D::SquareFilter< Scalar > | Calculates the square of a function |
CHermes::Hermes2D::SumFilter< Scalar > | Calculates the sum of two functions |
►CHermes::Hermes2D::Solution< Scalar > | Represents the solution of a PDE.
►CHermes::Hermes2D::ExactSolution< Scalar > | Represents an exact solution of a PDE |
►CHermes::Hermes2D::ExactSolutionScalar< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::ConstantSolution< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::ExactSolutionConstantArray< Scalar, ValueType > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::ZeroSolution< Scalar > | |
►CHermes::Hermes2D::ExactSolutionVector< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::ConstantSolutionVector< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::ZeroSolutionVector< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::UExtFunction< Scalar > | Function operating on previous nonlinear solutions in assembling (u_ext) |
►CHermes::Hermes2D::MeshFunction< std::complex< double > > | |
►CHermes::Hermes2D::Filter< std::complex< double > > | |
►CHermes::Hermes2D::SimpleFilter< std::complex< double > > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::AngleFilter | Computes the angle of a complex solution |
CHermes::Hermes2D::RefMap | Represents the reference mapping |
CHermes::Hermes2D::Traverse | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::Views::LinearizerMultidimensional< LinearizerDataDimensions > | |
►CHermes::Hermes2D::Views::View | Represents a simple visualization window |
CHermes::Hermes2D::Views::MeshView | Displays a mesh |
CHermes::Hermes2D::Views::OrderView | Displays the polynomial degrees of elements |
►CHermes::Hermes2D::Views::ScalarView | Visualizes a Scalar PDE solution |
CHermes::Hermes2D::Views::BaseView< Scalar > | Visualizes the basis functions of a space |
►CHermes::Hermes2D::Views::VectorView | Visualizes a vector PDE solution |
CHermes::Hermes2D::Views::VectorBaseView< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::WeakForm< Scalar > | Represents the weak formulation of a PDE problem |
►CHermes::Hermes2D::WeakFormsNeutronics::Multigroup::MaterialProperties::Common::MaterialPropertyMaps | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::WeakFormsNeutronics::Multigroup::MaterialProperties::Diffusion::MaterialPropertyMaps | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::PostProcessing::Limiter< double > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::MarkerArea | |
►CHermes::Hermes2D::Mesh::MarkersConversion | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::Mesh::BoundaryMarkersConversion | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::Mesh::ElementMarkersConversion | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::WeakFormsNeutronics::Multigroup::MaterialProperties::material_property_map< NDArrayType > | |
►CMatrixRhsOutput | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::Solver< Scalar > | |
►CMatrixSolver | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::LinearSolver< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::MeshData | Class to stored 2d mesh parameters. The MeshData class organizes all the necessary data structures required to store information in the input mesh file. All variables are stored internally as a mapping between strings and a list of strings. Symbolic expressions are not supported for variables. The variables are stored in a vector of strings. This is true for single-valued variables, lists and list of lists. The contents of the variables are thus accessed differently depending on their contents. |
CHermes::Hermes2D::MeshHashGrid | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::MeshHashGridElement | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::MeshUtil | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::mono_lu_init | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::WeakFormsNeutronics::Multigroup::MaterialProperties::MultiArray< NDArrayType > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::MultimeshDGNeighborTree< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::MultimeshDGNeighborTreeNode | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::WeakFormsNeutronics::Multigroup::MaterialProperties::Common::NDArrayMapOp | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::NeighborSearch< Scalar >::NeighborEdgeInfo | Structure containing all the needed information about the active edge from the neighbor's side |
CHermes::Hermes2D::NeighborSearch< Scalar > | This class characterizes a neighborhood of a given edge in terms of adjacent elements and provides methods for getting limit values of discontinuous functions from both sides of the edge |
►CNewtonMatrixSolver | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::NewtonSolver< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::Node | Stores one node of a mesh |
CHermes::Hermes2D::Space< Scalar >::NodeData | |
►CHermes::Hermes2D::NormForm | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::NormFormDG< Scalar > | |
►CHermes::Hermes2D::NormFormSurf< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::DefaultNormFormSurf< Scalar > | |
►CHermes::Hermes2D::NormFormVol< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::DefaultNormFormVol< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::Views::MeshView::ObjInfo | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::Views::Orderizer | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::RefinementSelectors::OrderPermutator | Hermes::Order permutator. Generates all permutations of orders from a set defined by a range of orders |
►COutputAttachable | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::Solver< Scalar > | |
►CHermes::Hermes2D::Mixins::Parallel | Class utilizes parallel calculation |
CHermes::Hermes2D::Adapt< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::DiscreteProblem< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::DiscreteProblemSelectiveAssembler< Scalar > | Provides capabilities to (re-)assemble a matrix / vector only where necessary. See also Solver::keep_element_values() |
CHermes::Hermes2D::ErrorCalculator< Scalar > | Evaluation of an error between a (coarse) solution and a reference solution |
CHermes::Hermes2D::PostProcessing::IntegralCalculator< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::PostProcessing::Limiter< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::Views::LinearizerMultidimensional< LinearizerDataDimensions > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::PostProcessing::Limiter< double > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::Api2D::Parameter< T > | |
►CPicardMatrixSolver | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::PicardSolver< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::PrecalcShapesetAssemblingStorage | PrecalcShapesetAssembling common storage |
►CHermes::Hermes2D::Quad1D | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::Quad1DStd | 1D quadrature points on the standard reference domain (-1,1) |
►CHermes::Hermes2D::Quad2D | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::Quad2DLin | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::Quad2DStd | 2D quadrature points on the standard reference domains (-1,1)^2 |
CHermes::Hermes2D::Rect | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::Mesh::ReferenceMeshCreator | Class for creating reference mesh |
CHermes::Hermes2D::Space< Scalar >::ReferenceSpaceCreator | Class for creating reference space |
CHermes::Hermes2D::Views::RemoveParams | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::Graph::Row | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::RungeKutta< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::Views::ScalarLinearizerDataDimensions< Scalar > | Typedefs used throughout the Linearizer functionality |
CHermes::Hermes2D::Views::ScalarLinearizerDataDimensions< double > | Typedefs used throughout the Linearizer functionality |
CHermes::Hermes2D::Views::ScalarLinearizerDataDimensions< float > | Typedefs used throughout the Linearizer functionality |
CHermes::Hermes2D::WeakFormsNeutronics::Multigroup::ElementaryForms::Diffusion::Scattering | |
►CSettableComputationTime | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::Solver< Scalar > | |
►CHermes::Hermes2D::Mixins::SettableSpaces< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::DiscreteProblem< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::Solver< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::RefinementSelectors::OptimumSelector< Scalar >::ShapeInx | A shape index |
►Cshared_ptr | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::MeshFunctionSharedPtr< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::SpaceSharedPtr< Scalar > | Used to pass the instances of Space around |
CHermes::Hermes2D::UExtFunctionSharedPtr< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::WeakFormSharedPtr< Scalar > | Used to pass the instances of WeakForm around |
CHermes::Hermes2D::MeshFunctionSharedPtr< double > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::MeshFunctionSharedPtr< std::complex< double > > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::Traverse::State | |
►CStateQueryable | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::Adapt< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::AdaptSolver< Scalar, SolverType > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::DiscreteProblem< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::ErrorCalculator< Scalar > | Evaluation of an error between a (coarse) solution and a reference solution |
CHermes::Hermes2D::Mesh | Represents a finite element mesh. Typical usage: MeshSharedPtr mesh; Hermes::Hermes2D::MeshReaderH2DXML mloader; try { mloader.load("mesh.xml", &mesh); } catch(Exceptions::MeshLoadFailureException& e) { e.print_msg(); return -1; } |
CHermes::Hermes2D::MeshFunction< Scalar > | Represents a function defined on a mesh |
CHermes::Hermes2D::PostProcessing::Limiter< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::Solver< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::Space< Scalar > | Represents a finite element space over a domain |
CHermes::Hermes2D::PostProcessing::Limiter< double > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::MeshFunction< double > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::MeshFunction< std::complex< double > > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::StateReassemblyHelper< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::Mesh::MarkersConversion::StringValid | Struct for return type of get_user_marker() |
CHermes::Hermes2D::SurfPos | Determines the position on an element surface (edge in 2D and Face in 3D) |
CHermes::Hermes2D::Views::ThreadInfo | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::Views::ThreadLinearizerMultidimensional< LinearizerDataDimensions > | |
►CTimeMeasurable | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::Adapt< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::AdaptSolver< Scalar, SolverType > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::DiscreteProblem< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::DiscreteProblemSelectiveAssembler< Scalar > | Provides capabilities to (re-)assemble a matrix / vector only where necessary. See also Solver::keep_element_values() |
CHermes::Hermes2D::ErrorCalculator< Scalar > | Evaluation of an error between a (coarse) solution and a reference solution |
CHermes::Hermes2D::PostProcessing::Limiter< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::RefinementSelectors::Selector< Scalar > | A parent of all refinement selectors. Abstract class |
CHermes::Hermes2D::Solver< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::Views::LinearizerMultidimensional< LinearizerDataDimensions > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::Views::View | Represents a simple visualization window |
CHermes::Hermes2D::PostProcessing::Limiter< double > | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::Views::TitleParams | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::NeighborSearch< Scalar >::Transformations | Transformations of an element to one of its neighbors |
CHermes::Hermes2D::Trf | 2D transformation |
CHermes::Hermes2D::RefinementSelectors::ProjBasedSelector< Scalar >::TrfShapeExp | A transform shaped function expansions |
►Ctype | |
CXMLMesh1D::mesh | Class corresponding to the mesh schema type |
CXMLMesh1D::v | Class corresponding to the v schema type |
CXMLMesh1D::var | Class corresponding to the var schema type |
CXMLMesh1D::variables_type | Class corresponding to the variables_type schema type |
CXMLMesh::arc | Class corresponding to the arc schema type |
CXMLMesh::curves_type | Class corresponding to the curves_type schema type |
CXMLMesh::ed | Class corresponding to the ed schema type |
CXMLMesh::edges_type | Class corresponding to the edges_type schema type |
►CXMLMesh::el_t | Class corresponding to the el_t schema type |
CXMLMesh::q_t | Class corresponding to the q_t schema type |
CXMLMesh::t_t | Class corresponding to the t_t schema type |
CXMLMesh::elements_type | Class corresponding to the elements_type schema type |
CXMLMesh::inner_point | Class corresponding to the inner_point schema type |
CXMLMesh::knot | Class corresponding to the knot schema type |
CXMLMesh::mesh | Class corresponding to the mesh schema type |
CXMLMesh::NURBS | Class corresponding to the NURBS schema type |
CXMLMesh::ref | Class corresponding to the ref schema type |
CXMLMesh::refinements_type | Class corresponding to the refinements_type schema type |
CXMLMesh::v | Class corresponding to the v schema type |
CXMLMesh::var | Class corresponding to the var schema type |
CXMLMesh::variables_type | Class corresponding to the variables_type schema type |
CXMLMesh::vertices_type | Class corresponding to the vertices_type schema type |
CXMLSolution::component | Class corresponding to the component schema type |
CXMLSolution::elem_coeffs | Class corresponding to the elem_coeffs schema type |
CXMLSolution::elem_orders | Class corresponding to the elem_orders schema type |
CXMLSolution::mono_coeffs | Class corresponding to the mono_coeffs schema type |
CXMLSolution::solution | Class corresponding to the solution schema type |
CXMLSpace::element_data | Class corresponding to the element_data schema type |
CXMLSpace::space | Class corresponding to the space schema type |
CXMLSubdomains::boundary_edges | Class corresponding to the boundary_edges schema type |
CXMLSubdomains::domain | Class corresponding to the domain schema type |
CXMLSubdomains::ed | Class corresponding to the ed schema type |
CXMLSubdomains::edges_type | Class corresponding to the edges_type schema type |
►CXMLSubdomains::el_t | Class corresponding to the el_t schema type |
CXMLSubdomains::q_t | Class corresponding to the q_t schema type |
CXMLSubdomains::t_t | Class corresponding to the t_t schema type |
CXMLSubdomains::elements | Class corresponding to the elements schema type |
CXMLSubdomains::elements_type | Class corresponding to the elements_type schema type |
CXMLSubdomains::inner_edges | Class corresponding to the inner_edges schema type |
CXMLSubdomains::subdomain | Class corresponding to the subdomain schema type |
CXMLSubdomains::subdomains | Class corresponding to the subdomains schema type |
CXMLSubdomains::vertices | Class corresponding to the vertices schema type |
CHermes::Hermes2D::UniData | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::WeakFormsNeutronics::Multigroup::ElementaryForms::Diffusion::VacuumBoundaryCondition | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::RefinementSelectors::ProjBasedSelector< Scalar >::ValueCacheItem< T > | An item of a value cache |
CHermes::Hermes2D::Graph::Values | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::Views::VectorLinearizerDataDimensions< Scalar > | Typedefs used throughout the Linearizer functionality |
CHermes::Hermes2D::Views::VectorLinearizerDataDimensions< double > | Typedefs used throughout the Linearizer functionality |
CHermes::Hermes2D::Views::VectorLinearizerDataDimensions< float > | Typedefs used throughout the Linearizer functionality |
CHermes::Hermes2D::Views::ViewMonitor | < A monitor used to synchronize thread in views |
CHermes::Hermes2D::Views::ViewParams | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::Views::WinGeom | |
►CHermes::Hermes2D::Mixins::XMLParsing | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::MeshReaderH1DXML | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::MeshReaderH2DXML | |
CHermes::Hermes2D::Solution< Scalar > | Represents the solution of a PDE.
CHermes::Hermes2D::Space< Scalar > | Represents a finite element space over a domain |
CHermes::Hermes2D::Solution< double > | |