Systems of Equations (08-system)

So far we have solved single PDEs with a weak formulation of the form a(u,v) - l(v) = 0, where u was a continuous approximation in the H^1 space. Hermes can also solve equations whose solutions lie in the spaces H(curl), H(div) or L^2, and one can combine these spaces for PDE systems arbitrarily.

General scheme

First let us understand how Hermes handles systems of linear PDE whose weak formulation is written as

(1)a_{11}(u_1,v_1)\,+ a_{12}(u_2,v_1)\,+ \cdots\,+ a_{1n}(u_n,v_1) - l_1(v_1) = 0,

  a_{21}(u_1,v_2)\,+ a_{22}(u_2,v_2)\,+ \cdots\,+ a_{2n}(u_n,v_2) - l_2(v_2) = 0,


  a_{n1}(u_1,v_n) + a_{n2}(u_2,v_n) + \cdots + a_{nn}(u_n,v_n) - l_n(v_n) = 0.

The solution u = (u_1, u_2, \dots, u_n) and test functions v =
(v_1, v_2, \dots, v_n) belong to the space W = V_1 \times V_2 \times \dots
\times V_n, where each V_i is one of the available function spaces H^1, H(curl), H(div) or L^2. The resulting discrete matrix problem will have an n \times n block structure.

Model problem of linear elasticity

Let us illustrate this by solving a simple problem of linear elasticity. Consider a two-dimensional elastic body shown in the following figure. The lower edge has fixed displacements and the body is loaded with both an external force acting on the upper edge, and volumetric gravity force.

Geometry and boundary conditions.

In the plane-strain model of linear elasticity the goal is to determine the deformation of the elastic body. The deformation is sought as a vector function u(x) = (u_1, u_2)^T, describing the displacement of each point x \in \Omega.

Boundary conditions

The boundary conditions are

\frac{\partial u_1}{\partial n} &=& f_1 \ \text{on $\Gamma_3$,} \\
\frac{\partial u_1}{\partial n} &=& 0 \ \text{on $\Gamma_2$, $\Gamma_4$, $\Gamma_5$,} \\
\frac{\partial u_2}{\partial n} &=& f_2 \ \text{on $\Gamma_3$,} \\
\frac{\partial u_2}{\partial n} &=& 0 \ \text{on $\Gamma_2$, $\Gamma_4$, $\Gamma_5$,} \\
u_1 &=& u_2 = 0 \ \mbox{on} \ \Gamma_1.

The zero displacements are implemented as follows:

// Initialize boundary conditions.
DefaultEssentialBCConst<double> zero_disp("Bottom", 0.0);
EssentialBCs<double> bcs(&zero_disp);

The surface force is a Neumann boundary conditions that will be incorporated into the weak formulation.

Displacement spaces

Next we define function spaces for the two solution components, u_1 and u_2:

// Create x- and y- displacement space using the default H1 shapeset.
H1Space<double> u1_space(&mesh, &bcs, P_INIT);
H1Space<double> u2_space(&mesh, &bcs, P_INIT);
int ndof = Space<double>::get_num_dofs(Hermes::vector<Space<double> *>(&u1_space, &u2_space));
info("ndof = %d", ndof);

Weak formulation

Applying the standard procedure to the elastostatic equilibrium equations, we arrive at the following weak formulation:

\begin{eqnarray*}   \int_\Omega     (2\mu\!+\!\lambda)\dd{u_1}{x_1}\dd{v_1}{x_1} + \mu\dd{u_1}{x_2}\dd{v_1}{x_2} +     \mu\dd{u_2}{x_1}\dd{v_1}{x_2} + \lambda\dd{u_2}{x_2}\dd{v_1}{x_1}     \,\mbox{d}\bfx -     \int_{\Gamma_3} \!\!f_1 v_1 \,\mbox{d}S &=& 0, \\ \smallskip   \int_\Omega     \mu\dd{u_1}{x_2}\dd{v_2}{x_1} + \lambda\dd{u_1}{x_1}\dd{v_2}{x_2} +     (2\mu\!+\!\lambda)\dd{u_2}{x_2}\dd{v_2}{x_2} + \mu\dd{u_2}{x_1}\dd{v_2}{x_1} \,\mbox{d}\bfx -  \int_{\Gamma_3} \!\!f_2 v_2 \,\mbox{d}S + \int_{\Omega} \!\!\rho g v_2 \,\mbox{d}\bfx &=& 0. \end{eqnarray*}

(the gravitational acceleration g is considered negative). We see that the weak formulation can be written in the form (1):

  a_{11}(u_1, v_1) \!&=&\! \int_\Omega (2\mu+\lambda)\dd{u_1}{x_1}\dd{v_1}{x_1} + \mu\dd{u_1}{x_2}\dd{v_1}{x_2} \,\mbox{d}\bfx,  \\
  a_{12}(u_2, v_1) \!&=&\! \int_\Omega \mu\dd{u_2}{x_1}\dd{v_1}{x_2} + \lambda\dd{u_2}{x_2}\dd{v_1}{x_1} \,\mbox{d}\bfx,\\
  a_{21}(u_1, v_2) \!&=&\! \int_\Omega \mu\dd{u_1}{x_2}\dd{v_2}{x_1} + \lambda\dd{u_1}{x_1}\dd{v_2}{x_2} \,\mbox{d}\bfx,\\
  a_{22}(u_2, v_2) \!&=&\! \int_\Omega (2\mu+\lambda)\dd{u_2}{x_2}\dd{v_2}{x_2} + \mu\dd{u_2}{x_1}\dd{v_2}{x_1} \,\mbox{d}\bfx,  \\
  l_{1}(v_1) \!&=&\!
  \int_{\Gamma_3} \!\!f_1 v_1 \,\mbox{d}S, \\
  l_{2}(v_2) \!&=&\!
  \int_{\Gamma_3} \!\!f_2 v_2 \,\mbox{d}S - \int_{\Omega} \!\!\rho g v_2 \,\mbox{d}\bfx.

Here, \mu and \lambda are material constants (Lame coefficients) defined as

\mu = \frac{E}{2(1+\nu)}, \ \ \ \ \  \lambda = \frac{E\nu}{(1+\nu)(1-2\nu)},

where E is the Young modulus and \nu the Poisson ratio of the material. For steel it is E = 200 GPa and \nu = 0.3. The load force is f = (0, 8\cdot 10^4)^T N.

Definition of weak forms

Hermes provides default Jacobian and residual forms for linear elasticity (see Doxygen documentation). These are volumetric forms that can be used for problems with Dirichlet and/or zero Neumann boundary conditions. The weak formulation for this problem is implemented using those forms (see definitions.h and definitions.cpp).

In the forms, the block index i, j means that the bilinear form takes basis functions from space i and test functions from space j. I.e., the block index 0, 1 means that the bilinear form takes basis functions from space 0 (x-displacement space) and test functions from space 1 (y-displacement space), etc. In this particular case the Jacobian matrix has a 2 \times 2 block structure.


Since the two diagonal forms a_{11} and a_{22} are symmetric, i.e., a_{ii}(u,v) = a_{ii}(v,u), Hermes can be told to only evaluate half of the integrals to speed up assembly. This is reflected by the parameter HERMES_SYM in the constructors of these forms.

The off-diagonal forms a_{12}(u_2, v_1) and a_{21}(u_1, v_2) are not (and cannot) be symmetric, since their arguments come from different spaces in general. However, we can see that a_{12}(u, v) = a_{21}(v, u), i.e., the corresponding blocks of the local stiffness matrix are transposes of each other. Here, the HERMES_SYM flag has a different effect: It tells Hermes to take the block of the local stiffness matrix corresponding to the form a_{12}, transpose it and copy it where a block corresponding to a_{21} belongs, without evaluating a_{21} at all. This again speeds up the matrix assembly. In other words, the form DefaultJacobianElasticity_1_0 is not needed.

Hermes also provides a flag HERMES_ANTISYM which is analogous to HERMES_SYM but the sign of the copied block is changed. This flag is useful where a_{ij}(u, v) = -a_{ji}(v, u).

Even if your weak forms are symmetric, it is recommended to start with the default (and safe) flag HERMES_NONSYM. Once the model works, it can be optimized using the flag HERMES_SYM.

Assembling and solving the discrete problem using Newton’s method

When the spaces and weak forms are ready, one can initialize the Newton solver and adjust some parameters if necessary:

// Initialize Newton solver.
NewtonSolver<double> newton(&wf, Hermes::vector<Space<double> *>(&u1_space, &u2_space));

Next we perform the Newton’s iteration:

// Perform Newton's iteration.
catch(Hermes::Exceptions::Exception e)

Note that two steps are taken although the problem is linear:

I ndof = 3000
I ---- Newton initial residual norm: 64400
I ---- Newton iter 1, residual norm: 4.52624e-07
I ---- Newton iter 2, residual norm: 9.7264e-09
<< close all views to continue >>

This confirms that using Newton for linear problems is useful. Last, the coefficient vector is translated into two displacement solutions:

// Translate the resulting coefficient vector into the Solution sln.
Solution<double> u1_sln, u2_sln;
Solution<double>::vector_to_solutions(newton.get_sln_vector(), Hermes::vector<const Space<double> *>(&u1_space, &u2_space),
    Hermes::vector<Solution<double> *>(&u1_sln, &u2_sln));

Visualizing the Von Mises stress

Hermes implements postprocessing through Filters. Filter is a special class which takes up to three Solutions, performs some computation and in the end acts as another Solution (which can be visualized, passed into another Filter, passed into a weak form, etc.). More advanced usage of Filters will be discussed later.

In elasticity examples we typically use the predefined VonMisesFilter:

// Visualize the solution.
ScalarView view("Von Mises stress [Pa]", new WinGeom(590, 0, 700, 400));
double lambda = (E * nu) / ((1 + nu) * (1 - 2*nu));  // First Lame constant.
double mu = E / (2*(1 + nu));                        // Second Lame constant.
VonMisesFilter stress(Hermes::vector<MeshFunction *>(&u1_sln, &u2_sln), lambda, mu);
view.show_mesh(false);, HERMES_EPS_HIGH, H2D_FN_VAL_0, &u1_sln, &u2_sln, 1.5e5);

Here the fourth and fifth parameters are the displacement components used to distort the domain geometry, and the sixth parameter is a scaling factor to multiply the displacements.

Elastic stress plotted on deformed domain.