90 Table(
unsigned int size);
91 virtual void alloc(
unsigned int size);
92 unsigned int get_size();
93 double get_A(
unsigned int i,
unsigned int j);
94 void set_A(
unsigned int i,
unsigned int j,
double val);
110 virtual void alloc(
unsigned int size);
111 double get_B(
unsigned int i);
112 double get_B2(
unsigned int i);
113 double get_C(
unsigned int i);
114 void set_B(
unsigned int i,
double val);
115 void set_B2(
unsigned int i,
double val);
116 void set_C(
unsigned int i,
double val);
118 bool is_diagonally_implicit();
119 bool is_fully_implicit();
123 void switch_B_rows();
General namespace for the Hermes library.
Implicit Lobatto IIIB-2 method.
Implicit Runge-Kutta RK-1 (implicit Euler).
Implicit SIRK-2-2 method.
Implicit Lobatto IIIA-4 method.
Heun-Euler (orders 1 and 2),.
Fehlberg (orders 4 and 5),.
Bogacki-Shampine (orders 2 and 3),.
Explicit Runge-Kutta RK-1 (explicit Euler).
of TR-BDF2 by Hosea and Shampine.
Implicit SDIRK-5-4 method.
Cash-Karp (orders 4 and 5),.
Implicit Lobatto IIIA-2 method.
Explicit Runge-Kutta RK-3 method.
Implicit Radau IIA-5 method.
General square table of real numbers.
with Error Estimates by J.R. Cash
Butcher's tables for Runge-Kutta methods.
Dormand-Prince (orders 4 and 5),.
Explicit Runge-Kutta RK-4 method.
of TR-BDF2 by Hosea and Shampine.
double * C
on embedded R-K methods.
double * B2
This is the second B-row for adaptivity based.
File containing platform compatibility layer, especially for Win / MSVC.
Explicit Runge-Kutta RK-2 method.
Butcher's tables type. The last number in the name always means order, the one before last (if provid...
Implicit SDIRK-2-2 method.
with Error Estimates by J.R. Cash
Implicit Lobatto IIIB-2 method.
Implicit Lobatto IIIB-4 method.
with Error Estimates by J.R. Cash
Codes for the Solution of Stiff and Non-Stiff systems of ODE's.
Implicit ESIRK-2-2 method.
Implicit Crank_Nicolson method.
Implicit Lobatto IIIB-4 method.