HermesCommon  3.0
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 NHermesGeneral namespace for the Hermes library
 NAlgebraNamespace containing classes for vector / matrix operations
 CCSCMatrixGeneral CSC Matrix class. (can be used in umfpack, in that case use the CSCMatrix subclass, or with EigenSolver, or anything else)
 CCSMatrixGeneral CS Matrix class. Either row- or column- specific (see subclassses)
 CCSRMatrixGeneral CSR Matrix class. (can be used in umfpack, in that case use the CSCMatrix subclass, or with EigenSolver, or anything else)
 CMatrixGeneral (abstract) matrix representation in Hermes
 Cmumps_type< double >
 Cmumps_type< std::complex< double > >
 CMumpsMatrixMatrix used with MUMPS solver
 CParalutionMatrixGeneral Paralution matrix
 CParalutionVectorClass representing the vector for UMFPACK
 CSimpleVectorVector used with MUMPS solver
 CSparseMatrixGeneral (abstract) sparse matrix representation in Hermes
 CPageStructure for storing indices in sparse matrix
 CVectorGeneral (abstract) vector representation in Hermes
 CExceptionException interface Basically a std::exception, but with a constructor with string and with print_msg method. Usage: try {  ...  throw Hermes::Exceptions::Exception("this is an exception message"); } catch(Hermes::Exceptions::Exception& e) {  e.print_msg(); }
 CIOExceptionIO exception. Internal. Exception occurs when something fails to be written to / read from the disk
 CLengthExceptionParameter length parameter exception. Internal. Exception occurs when some parameter has wrong length
 CLinearMatrixSolverExceptionLinear solver failed
 CMeshLoadFailureExceptionMesh failed to load. Thrown by Hermes2D::MeshReaderH2DXML, MeshReaderH2D
 CMethodNotImplementedExceptionMethod is not overriden and should be
 CMethodNotOverridenExceptionMethod is not overriden and should be
 CNullExceptionNull parameter exception. Internal. Exception occurs when some parameter is Null or empty and it shouldn't be
 CSolutionLoadFailureExceptionSolution failed to load
 CSolutionSaveFailureExceptionSolution failed to save
 CSpaceLoadFailureExceptionSpace failed to load
 CValueExceptionNumeric value is out of allowed range
 CTypeIsComplex< std::complex< double > >
 CTypeIsRealType deductors
 CTypeIsReal< double >
 NMixinsNamespace for mixin classes. These classes always serve one particular purpose that multiple classes of the entire Hermes library could use - logging, time measurement, ..
 CIntegrableWithGlobalOrderClass that allows overriding integration order in its discrete problems Internal
 CLoggableClass the output of which is loggable, i.e. that uses functionality of info(), warn() Contains the class Static with the following usage: Anywhere in your program you can write Hermes::Mixins::Loggable::Static::info("whatever you want to output")
 CStaticFor static logging
 COutputAttachableClass that allows for attaching any method to particular parts of its functionality. Internal
 CSettableComputationTimeClass that allows overriding integration order in its discrete problems Internal
 CTimeMeasurableClass using time measurement Can be used directly (is not abstract), so one can use e.g. this in a program: Mixins::TimeMeasurable time; time.tick(); <– do whatever you want to measure execution time of –> std::cout << "Whatever took " << time.last() << "seconds to execute.";
 NPreconditionersNamespace containing objects for preconditioners
 CEpetraPrecondAbstract class for Epetra preconditioners
 CIfpackPrecondPreconditioners built on IFPACK
 CMlPrecondPreconditioners built on ML
 CParalutionPrecondA PARALUTION preconditioner
 CPrecondAbstract class to define interface for preconditioners
 NSolversNamespace for linear / nonlinear / iterative solvers
 CAbstractParalutionLinearMatrixSolverABSTRACT class containing common functionality of both PARALUTION iterative and AMG linear solver
 CAmesosSolverEncapsulation of Amesos linear solver
 CAMGParalutionLinearMatrixSolverEncapsulation of PARALUTION AMG linear solver
 CAMGSolverAbstract class for defining interface for Algebraic Multigrid solvers. Internal, though utilizable for defining interfaces to other algebraic packages
 CAztecOOSolverEncapsulation of AztecOO linear solver
 CDirectSolverForward declarations
 CExternalSolverSpecial-purpose abstract class for using external solvers. For examples implementation, see the class SimpleExternalSolver
 CIterativeParalutionLinearMatrixSolverEncapsulation of PARALUTION iterative linear solver
 CIterSolverAbstract class for defining interface for iterative solvers. Internal, though utilizable for defining interfaces to other algebraic packages
 CLinearMatrixSolverAbstract class for defining solver interface
 CLoopSolverAbstract middle-class for solvers that work in a loop of a kind (iterative, multigrid, ...)
 CMatrixSolverinterface for both linear and nonlinear algebraic solvers
 CNonlinearMatrixSolverBase class for defining interface for nonlinear solvers
 CPicardMatrixSolverSee H2D: PicardSolver
 CSimpleExternalSolverAn example class for using external solvers that run a command and store the result in a file
 CUMFPackLinearMatrixSolverEncapsulation of UMFPACK linear solver
 CApiAPI Class containing settings for the whole HermesCommon
 CButcherTableButcher's tables for Runge-Kutta methods
 CLightArrayA light version of the array. For ordinal types or pointers, does not provide memory handling
 CRangeRange of values
 CTableGeneral square table of real numbers