CHermes::Api | API Class containing settings for the whole HermesCommon |
CHermes::Array< TYPE > | |
▼CEpetra_Operator | |
▼CHermes::Preconditioners::EpetraPrecond< Scalar > | Abstract class for Epetra preconditioners |
CHermes::Preconditioners::IfpackPrecond< Scalar > | Preconditioners built on IFPACK |
CHermes::Preconditioners::MlPrecond< Scalar > | Preconditioners built on ML |
▼Cexception | |
▼CHermes::Exceptions::Exception | Exception interface Basically a std::exception, but with a constructor with string and with print_msg method. Usage: try { ... throw Hermes::Exceptions::Exception("this is an exception message"); } catch(Hermes::Exceptions::Exception& e) { e.print_msg(); } |
CHermes::Exceptions::IOException | IO exception. Internal. Exception occurs when something fails to be written to / read from the disk |
CHermes::Exceptions::LengthException | Parameter length parameter exception. Internal. Exception occurs when some parameter has wrong length |
CHermes::Exceptions::LinearMatrixSolverException | Linear solver failed |
CHermes::Exceptions::MeshLoadFailureException | Mesh failed to load. Thrown by Hermes2D::MeshReaderH2DXML, MeshReaderH2D |
CHermes::Exceptions::MethodNotImplementedException | Method is not overriden and should be |
CHermes::Exceptions::MethodNotOverridenException | Method is not overriden and should be |
CHermes::Exceptions::NonlinearException | |
CHermes::Exceptions::NullException | Null parameter exception. Internal. Exception occurs when some parameter is Null or empty and it shouldn't be |
CHermes::Exceptions::SolutionLoadFailureException | Solution failed to load |
CHermes::Exceptions::SolutionSaveFailureException | Solution failed to save |
CHermes::Exceptions::SpaceLoadFailureException | Space failed to load |
CHermes::Exceptions::ValueException | Numeric value is out of allowed range |
CHermes::Mixins::IntegrableWithGlobalOrder | Class that allows overriding integration order in its discrete problems Internal |
Cstd::is_pod< ArrayItem > | |
CHermes::LightArray< TYPE > | A light version of the array. For ordinal types or pointers, does not provide memory handling |
▼CHermes::Mixins::Loggable | Class the output of which is loggable, i.e. that uses functionality of info(), warn() Contains the class Static with the following usage: Anywhere in your program you can write Hermes::Mixins::Loggable::Static::info("whatever you want to output") |
▼CHermes::Algebra::Matrix< Scalar > | General (abstract) matrix representation in Hermes |
▼CHermes::Algebra::SparseMatrix< Scalar > | General (abstract) sparse matrix representation in Hermes |
▼CHermes::Algebra::CSMatrix< Scalar > | General CS Matrix class. Either row- or column- specific (see subclassses) |
▼CHermes::Algebra::CSCMatrix< Scalar > | General CSC Matrix class. (can be used in umfpack, in that case use the CSCMatrix subclass, or with EigenSolver, or anything else) |
CHermes::Algebra::MumpsMatrix< Scalar > | Matrix used with MUMPS solver |
▼CHermes::Algebra::CSRMatrix< Scalar > | General CSR Matrix class. (can be used in umfpack, in that case use the CSCMatrix subclass, or with EigenSolver, or anything else) |
CHermes::Algebra::ParalutionMatrix< Scalar > | General Paralution matrix |
CHermes::Algebra::EpetraMatrix< Scalar > | |
▼CHermes::Algebra::Vector< Scalar > | General (abstract) vector representation in Hermes |
CHermes::Algebra::EpetraVector< Scalar > | |
▼CHermes::Algebra::SimpleVector< Scalar > | Vector used with MUMPS solver |
CHermes::Algebra::ParalutionVector< Scalar > | Class representing the vector for UMFPACK |
CHermes::Hermes1DFunction< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes2DFunction< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Hermes3DFunction< Scalar > | |
▼CHermes::Solvers::LinearMatrixSolver< Scalar > | Abstract class for defining solver interface |
▼CHermes::Solvers::DirectSolver< Scalar > | Forward declarations |
CHermes::Solvers::AmesosSolver< Scalar > | Encapsulation of Amesos linear solver |
CHermes::Solvers::MumpsSolver< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Solvers::UMFPackLinearMatrixSolver< Scalar > | Encapsulation of UMFPACK linear solver |
▼CHermes::Solvers::ExternalSolver< Scalar > | Special-purpose abstract class for using external solvers. For examples implementation, see the class SimpleExternalSolver |
CHermes::Solvers::SimpleExternalSolver< Scalar > | An example class for using external solvers that run a command and store the result in a file |
▼CHermes::Solvers::LoopSolver< Scalar > | Abstract middle-class for solvers that work in a loop of a kind (iterative, multigrid, ...) |
▼CHermes::Solvers::AbstractParalutionLinearMatrixSolver< Scalar > | ABSTRACT class containing common functionality of both PARALUTION iterative and AMG linear solver |
CHermes::Solvers::AMGParalutionLinearMatrixSolver< Scalar > | Encapsulation of PARALUTION AMG linear solver |
CHermes::Solvers::IterativeParalutionLinearMatrixSolver< Scalar > | Encapsulation of PARALUTION iterative linear solver |
▼CHermes::Solvers::AMGSolver< Scalar > | Abstract class for defining interface for Algebraic Multigrid solvers. Internal, though utilizable for defining interfaces to other algebraic packages |
CHermes::Solvers::AMGParalutionLinearMatrixSolver< Scalar > | Encapsulation of PARALUTION AMG linear solver |
▼CHermes::Solvers::IterSolver< Scalar > | Abstract class for defining interface for iterative solvers. Internal, though utilizable for defining interfaces to other algebraic packages |
CHermes::Solvers::AztecOOSolver< Scalar > | Encapsulation of AztecOO linear solver |
CHermes::Solvers::IterativeParalutionLinearMatrixSolver< Scalar > | Encapsulation of PARALUTION iterative linear solver |
▼CHermes::Solvers::MatrixSolver< Scalar > | interface for both linear and nonlinear algebraic solvers |
▼CHermes::Solvers::NonlinearMatrixSolver< Scalar > | Base class for defining interface for nonlinear solvers |
CHermes::Solvers::NewtonMatrixSolver< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Solvers::PicardMatrixSolver< Scalar > | See H2D: PicardSolver |
▼CHermes::Algebra::Mixins::MatrixRhsImportExport< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Algebra::Matrix< Scalar > | General (abstract) matrix representation in Hermes |
CHermes::Algebra::Vector< Scalar > | General (abstract) vector representation in Hermes |
▼CHermes::Algebra::Mixins::MatrixRhsOutput< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Solvers::ExternalSolver< Scalar > | Special-purpose abstract class for using external solvers. For examples implementation, see the class SimpleExternalSolver |
CHermes::Algebra::mumps_type< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Algebra::mumps_type< double > | |
CHermes::Algebra::mumps_type< std::complex< double > > | |
CHermes::Solvers::NonlinearConvergenceMeasurement< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Ord | |
▼CHermes::Mixins::OutputAttachable | Class that allows for attaching any method to particular parts of its functionality. Internal |
CHermes::Solvers::NonlinearMatrixSolver< Scalar > | Base class for defining interface for nonlinear solvers |
CHermes::Algebra::SparseMatrix< Scalar >::Page | Structure for storing indices in sparse matrix |
CHermes::Solvers::ParalutionInitialization | |
CHermes::Api::Parameter | |
CHermes::Mixins::OutputAttachable::Parameter< T > | |
CHermes::Mixins::OutputAttachable::Parameter< bool > | |
CHermes::Mixins::OutputAttachable::Parameter< std::vector< bool > > | |
CHermes::Mixins::OutputAttachable::Parameter< std::vector< double > > | |
CHermes::Mixins::OutputAttachable::Parameter< unsigned int > | |
▼CHermes::Preconditioners::Precond< Scalar > | Abstract class to define interface for preconditioners |
CHermes::Preconditioners::EpetraPrecond< Scalar > | Abstract class for Epetra preconditioners |
CHermes::Preconditioners::ParalutionPrecond< Scalar > | A PARALUTION preconditioner |
CHermes::Range | Range of values |
CScalar2< Scalar > | |
CScalar3< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Mixins::SettableComputationTime | Class that allows overriding integration order in its discrete problems Internal |
CHermes::SplineCoeff | |
Cstack_node< intType > | |
▼CHermes::Mixins::StateQueryable | |
CHermes::Solvers::NonlinearMatrixSolver< Scalar > | Base class for defining interface for nonlinear solvers |
CHermes::Mixins::Loggable::Static | For static logging |
▼CHermes::Table | General square table of real numbers |
CHermes::ButcherTable | Butcher's tables for Runge-Kutta methods |
▼CHermes::Mixins::TimeMeasurable | Class using time measurement Can be used directly (is not abstract), so one can use e.g. this in a program: Mixins::TimeMeasurable time; time.tick(); <– do whatever you want to measure execution time of –> std::cout << "Whatever took " << time.last() << "seconds to execute."; |
CHermes::Solvers::LinearMatrixSolver< Scalar > | Abstract class for defining solver interface |
CHermes::Solvers::NonlinearMatrixSolver< Scalar > | Base class for defining interface for nonlinear solvers |
CHermes::Helpers::TypeIsComplex< Scalar > | |
CHermes::Helpers::TypeIsComplex< std::complex< double > > | |
CHermes::Helpers::TypeIsReal< Scalar > | Type deductors |
CHermes::Helpers::TypeIsReal< double > | |