HermesCommon  2.0
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
o*amesos_solver.cppAmesosSolver class as an interface to Amesos
o*amesos_solver.hAmesosSolver class as an interface to Amesos
o*api.hMain Hermes API
o*array.hFile containing primarily the class Array<class TYPE> and LightArray<class TYPE>
o*aztecoo_solver.cppAztecOOSolver class as an interface to AztecOO
o*aztecoo_solver.hAztecOOSolver class as an interface to AztecOO
o*c99_functions.cppFile containing definitions from the C99 standard that are missing in MSVC
o*c99_functions.hFile containing definitions from the C99 standard that are missing in MSVC
o*callstack.cppFile containing functionality for investigating call stack
o*callstack.hFile containing functionality for investigating call stack
o*common.hFile containing common definitions, and basic global enums etc. for HermesCommon
o*compat.hFile containing platform compatibility layer, especially for Win / MSVC
o*dp_interface.hInterface for DiscreteProblem required by NoxProblemInterface
o*eigensolver.hClass for solving Eigenproblems. Currently using Python
o*epetra.cppEpetraMatrix and EpetraVector storage classes for Amesos, AztecOO, ...
o*epetra.hEpetraMatrix and EpetraVector storage classes for Amesos, AztecOO, ...
o*exceptions.hFile containing definition of exceptions classes
o*hermes_common.hFile containing includes of all HermesCommon functionality + solvers. Intended to be included
o*matrix.cppBasic matrix classes and operations
o*matrix.hBasic matrix classes and operations
o*mixins.hMix-in classes for one functionality, for various classes to be derived from
o*mumps_solver.cppMUMPS solver interface
o*mumps_solver.hMUMPS solver interface
o*newton_solver_nox.cppNOX (nonliner) solver interface
o*newton_solver_nox.hNOX (nonliner) solver interface
o*nonlinear_solver.cppGeneral nonlinear solver functionality
o*nonlinear_solver.hGeneral nonlinear solver functionality
o*ord.cppContains class Ord for calculation of integration order
o*ord.hContains class Ord for calculation of integration order
o*petsc_solver.cppPETSc solver interface
o*petsc_solver.hPETSc solver interface
o*precond.hGeneral functionality for preconditioners. Contains class Precond
o*precond_ifpack.cppIFPACK (Trilinos package) preconditioners interface
o*precond_ifpack.hIFPACK (Trilinos package) preconditioners interface
o*precond_ml.cppML (Trilinos package) preconditioners interface
o*precond_ml.hML (Trilinos package) preconditioners interface
o*qsort.cppThe QuickSort routine from glibc-2.5 modified for sorting int arrays
o*qsort.hThe QuickSort routine from glibc-2.5 modified for sorting int arrays
o*superlu_solver.cppSuperLU solver interface
o*superlu_solver.hSuperLU solver interface
o*tables.cppButcher tables. Including the class Table and enum ButcherTableType
o*tables.hButcher tables. Including the class Table and enum ButcherTableType
o*umfpack_solver.cppUMFPACK solver interface
o*umfpack_solver.hUMFPACK solver interface
\*vector.hBase class for representations of vectors for different solvers