HermesCommon  2.0
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
oNHermesGeneral namespace for the Hermes library
|oNAlgebraNamespace containing classes for vector / matrix operations
||oNDenseMatrixOperationsContains operation on dense matrices
||oCMatrixGeneral (abstract) matrix representation in Hermes
||oCSparseMatrixGeneral (abstract) sparse matrix representation in Hermes
|||\CPageStructure for storing indices in sparse matrix
||\CVectorGeneral (abstract) vector representation in Hermes
||oCExceptionException interface Basically a std::exception, but with a constructor with string and with print_msg method. Usage: try {  ...  throw Hermes::Exceptions::Exception("this is an exception message"); } catch(Hermes::Exceptions::Exception& e) {  e.print_msg(); }
||oCNullExceptionNull parameter exception. Internal. Exception occurs when some parameter is Null or empty and it shouldn't be
||oCLengthExceptionParameter length parameter exception. Internal. Exception occurs when some parameter has wrong length
||oCLinearMatrixSolverExceptionLinear solver failed
||oCValueExceptionNumeric value is out of allowed range
||oCMethodNotOverridenExceptionMethod is not overriden and should be
||oCMeshLoadFailureExceptionMesh failed to load. Thrown by Hermes2D::MeshReaderH2DXML, MeshReaderH2D
||oCSpaceLoadFailureExceptionSpace failed to load
||oCSolutionSaveFailureExceptionSolution failed to save
||\CSolutionLoadFailureExceptionSolution failed to load
||oCArrayA generic, inflatable array
||\CLightArrayA light version of the array. For ordinal types or pointers, does not provide memory handling
|oNMixinsNamespace for mixin classes. These classes always serve one particular purpose that multiple classes of the entire Hermes library could use - logging, time measurement, ..
||oCLoggableClass the output of which is loggable, i.e. that uses functionality of info(), warn() Contains the class Static with the following usage: Anywhere in your program you can write Hermes::Mixins::Loggable::Static::info("whatever you want to output")
|||\CStaticFor static logging in user programs
||oCTimeMeasurableClass using time measurement Can be used directly (is not abstract), so one can use e.g. this in a program: Mixins::TimeMeasurable time; time.tick(); <– do whatever you want to measure execution time of –> std::cout << "Whatever took " << time.last() << "seconds to execute.";
||oCIntegrableWithGlobalOrderClass that allows overriding integration order in its discrete problems Internal
||oCSettableComputationTimeClass that allows overriding integration order in its discrete problems Internal
||\COutputAttachableClass that allows for attaching any method to particular parts of its functionality. Internal
|oNPreconditionersNamespace containing objects for preconditioners
||\CPrecondAbstract class to define interface for preconditioners
|oNSolversNamespace for linear / nonlinear / iterative solvers
||oCDiscreteProblemInterfaceMinimalistic DiscreteProblem interface required by NoxProblemInterface
||oCLinearMatrixSolverAbstract class for defining solver interface
||oCDirectSolverBase class for defining interface for direct linear solvers. Internal, though utilizable for defining interfaces to other algebraic packages
||oCIterSolverAbstract class for defining interface for iterative solvers. Internal, though utilizable for defining interfaces to other algebraic packages
||\CNonlinearSolverBase class for defining interface for nonlinear solvers
|oCApiAPI Class containing settings for the whole HermesCommon
|oCTableGeneral square table of real numbers
|oCButcherTableButcher's tables for Runge-Kutta methods
|\CvectorA vector of values
oCCallStackCall stack class