Commonly used for testing adaptive refinement algorithms is Poisson’s equation with a solution that has a steep wave front in the interior of the domain.
Equation solved: Poisson equation
Domain of interest: Unit Square
Boundary conditions: Dirichlet, given by exact solution.
where , is the center of the circular wave front, is the distance from the wave front to the center of the circle, and gives the steepness of the wave front.
This benchmark has four different versions, we use the global variable PARAM (below) to switch among them.
int PARAM = 3; // PARAM determines which parameter values you wish to use
// for the steepness and location of the wave front.
// | name | ALPHA | X_LOC | Y_LOC | R_ZERO
// 0: mild 20 -0.05 -0.05 0.7
// 1: steep 1000 -0.05 -0.05 0.7
// 2: asymmetric 1000 1.5 0.25 0.92
// 3: well 50 0.5 0.5 0.25
Final mesh (h-FEM, p=1, anisotropic refinements):
Final mesh (h-FEM, p=2, anisotropic refinements):
Final mesh (hp-FEM, h-anisotropic refinements):
DOF convergence graphs:
CPU convergence graphs:
Final mesh (hp-FEM, isotropic refinements):
Final mesh (hp-FEM, h-anisotropic refinements):
Final mesh (hp-FEM, hp-anisotropic refinements):
DOF convergence graphs:
CPU convergence graphs: