Many papers on testing adaptive algorithms use a 1D example with a singularity of the form
at the left endpoint of the domain. This can be extended to 2D by simply making the solution be
constant in
Equation solved: Poisson equation
Domain of interest: Unit Square
Boundary conditions: Dirichlet, given by exact solution.
Obtained by inserting the exact solution into the equation.
Final mesh (h-FEM, p=1, anisotropic refinements):
Final mesh (h-FEM, p=2, anisotropic refinements):
Final mesh (hp-FEM, h-anisotropic refinements):
DOF convergence graphs:
CPU convergence graphs:
Final mesh (hp-FEM, h-anisotropic refinements):
Final mesh (hp-FEM, hp-anisotropic refinements):
DOF convergence graphs:
CPU convergence graphs: