Singular Perturbation

We solve a singularly perturbed elliptic problem that exhibits a thin anisotropic boundary layer that is difficult to resolve.

The computational domain is the unit square, and the equation solved has the form

-\Delta u + K^2 u - K^2 = 0.

The boundary conditions are homogeneous Dirichlet. The right-hand side is chosen in this way in order to keep the solution u(x,y) \approx 1 inside the domain. For this presentation we choose K^2 = 10^4 but everything works for larger values of K as well. We find quite important to perform initial refinements towards the boundary, thus providing a better initial mesh for adaptivity. One does not have to do this, but then the convergence is slower. The solution is shown in the following figure:


Below we show meshes obtained using various types of adaptivity. The meshes do not correspond to the same level of accuracy since the low-order methods could not achieve the same error as hp-FEM. Therefore, compare not only the number of DOF but also the error level. Convergence graphs for all cases are shown at the end of this section.

Final mesh (h-FEM, p=1, anisotropic refinements): 34833 DOF, error 0.3495973568992 %

Final mesh

Final mesh (h-FEM, p=2, anisotropic refinements): 37097 DOF, error 0.014234904418008 %

Final mesh

Final mesh (hp-FEM, anisotropic refinements): 6821 DOF, error 7.322784149253e-05 %

Final mesh

DOF convergence graphs for h-FEM with linear and quadratic elements and the hp-FEM (anisotropic refinements enabled):

DOF convergence graph.

Corresponding CPU time convergence graphs:

CPU convergence graph.

And at the end let us compare hp-FEM with isotropic and anisotropic refinements:

DOF convergence graph.

Corresponding CPU time convergence graphs:

CPU convergence graph.

When using h-FEM, this difference becomes much larger. This is left for the reader to try.

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