Introduction to Newton’s Method

The Newton’s method is more powerful but also a bit more demanding than the Picard’s method.

We’ll stay with the model problem from the previous section

(1)-\nabla \cdot (\lambda(u)\nabla u) - f(\bfx) = 0, \ \ \ u = u_D \ \mbox{on}\ \partial \Omega.

As we said before, when using the Newton’s method, it is customary to have everything on the left-hand side. The corresponding discrete problem has the form

\int_{\Omega} \lambda(u)\nabla u(\bfx) \cdot \nabla v_i(\bfx)\, \mbox{d}\bfx
- \int_{\Omega} f(\bfx)v_i(\bfx) \, \mbox{d}\bfx = 0\ \ \ \mbox{for all} \ i = 1, 2, \ldots, N,

where v_i are the test functions. The unknown solution u is sought in the form

u(\bfx) = U(\bfx) + G(\bfx)

where G(\bfx) is a Dirichlet lift (any sufficiently smooth function representing the Dirichlet boundary conditions u_D), and U(\bfx) with zero values on the boundary is a new unknown. The function U is expressed as a linear combination of basis functions with unknown coefficients,

U(\bfx) = \sum_{j=1}^N y_j v_j(\bfx).

However, in the Newton’s method we look at the same function as at a function of the unknown solution coefficient vector \bfY = (y_1, y_2, \ldots, y_N)^T,

U(\bfY) = \sum_{j=1}^N y_j v_j.

The nonlinear discrete problem can be written in a compact form

\bfF(\bfY) = {\bf 0},

where \bfF = (F_1, F_2, \ldots, F_N)^T is the so-called residuum or residual vector.

Residual vector and Jacobian matrix

The residual vector \bfF(\bfY) has N components of the form

F_i(\bfY) =  \int_{\Omega} \lambda(u)\nabla u \cdot \nabla v_i
- f v_i \, \mbox{d}\bfx.

Here v_i is the i-th test function, i = 1, 2, \ldots, N. The N\times N Jacobian matrix \bfJ(\bfY) = D\bfF/D\bfY has the components

J_{ij}(\bfY) =  \frac{\partial F_i}{\partial y_j} =
\int_{\Omega} \left[ \frac{\partial \lambda}{\partial u} \frac{\partial u}{\partial y_j}
\nabla u + \lambda(u)\frac{\partial \nabla u}{\partial y_j} \right] \cdot \nabla v_i \, \mbox{d}\bfx.

Taking account the relation u = U+G, and the independence of G on \bfY, this becomes

J_{ij}(\bfY) =  \frac{\partial F_i}{\partial y_j} =
\int_{\Omega} \left[ \frac{\partial \lambda}{\partial u} \frac{\partial U}{\partial y_j}
\nabla u + \lambda(u)\frac{\partial \nabla U}{\partial y_j} \right] \cdot \nabla v_i \, \mbox{d}\bfx.

Using elementary relations shown below, we obtain

J_{ij}(\bfY) =
\int_{\Omega} \left[ \frac{\partial \lambda}{\partial u}(u) v_j
\nabla u + \lambda(u)\nabla v_j \right] \cdot \nabla v_i \, \mbox{d}\bfx.

It is worth noticing that \bfJ(\bfY) has the same sparsity structure as the standard stiffness matrix that we know from linear problems. In fact, when the problem is linear then the Jacobian matrix and the stiffness matrix are the same thing – we have seen this before, and also see the last paragraph in this section.

How to differentiate weak forms

Chain rule is used all the time. If your equation contains parameters that depend on the solution, you will need their derivatives with respect to the solution (such as we needed the derivative \frac{\partial \lambda}{\partial u} above). In addition, the following elementary rules are useful for the differentiation of the weak forms:

\frac{\partial u}{\partial y_k} = \frac{\partial U}{\partial y_k} = \frac{\partial}{\partial y_k}\sum_{j=1}^N y_j v_j = v_k


\frac{\partial \nabla u}{\partial y_k} = \frac{\partial \nabla U}{\partial y_k} = \frac{\partial}{\partial y_k}\sum_{j=1}^N y_j \nabla v_j = \nabla v_k.

Practical formula

Let’s assume that the Jacobian matrix has been assembled. The Newton’s method is written formally as

\bfY_{\!\!n+1} = \bfY_{\!\!n} - \bfJ^{-1}(\bfY_{\!\!n}) \bfF(\bfY_{\!\!n}),

but a more practical formula to work with is

\bfJ(\bfY_{\!\!n})\delta \bfY_{\!\!n+1} =  - \bfF(\bfY_{\!\!n}).

This is a system of linear algebraic equations that needs to be solved in every Newton’s iteration. The Newton’s method will stop when \bfF(\bfY_{\!\!n+1}) is sufficiently close to the zero vector.

Stopping criteria

There are two basic stopping criteria that should be combined for safety:

  • Checking whether the (Euclidean) norm of the residual vector \bfF(\bfY_{n+1}) is sufficiently close to zero.
  • Checking whether the norm of \bfY_{n+1} - \bfY_{n} is sufficiently close to zero.

If just one of these two criteria is used, the Newton’s method may finish prematurely.

Linear problems

In the linear case we have

\bfF(\bfY) = \bfJ(\bfY)\bfY - \bfb,

where \bfS = \bfJ(\bfY) is a constant stiffness matrix and \bfb a load vector. The Newton’s method is now

\bfS\bfY_{\!\!n+1} = \bfJ(\bfY_{\!\!n})\bfY_{\!\!n}
- \bfJ(\bfY_{\!\!n})\bfY_{\!\!n} + \bfb = \bfb.

There exists a widely adopted mistake saying that the Newton’s method, when applied to a linear problem, will converge in one iteration. This is only true if one uses the first (residual norm based) stopping criterion above. If the second criterion is used, which is based on the distance of two consecutive solution vectors, then the Newton’s method will do two steps before stopping. In practice, using just the residual criterion is dangerous.