Laminar Flame

Problem description

We will employ the Newton’s method to solve a nonlinear system of two parabolic equations describing a very simple flame propagation model (laminar flame, no fluid mechanics involved). The computational domain shown below contains in the middle a narrow portion (cooling rods) whose purpose is to slow down the chemical reaction:

computational domain

The equations for the temperature T and species concentration Y have the form

\frac{\partial T}{\partial t} - \Delta T = \omega(T, Y),\\
\frac{\partial Y}{\partial t} - \frac{1}{Le}\Delta Y = -\omega(T, Y).

Boundary conditions are Dirichlet T = 1 and Y = 0 on the inlet, Newton \partial T/\partial n = - \kappa T on the cooling rods, and Neumann \partial T/\partial n = 0, \partial Y/\partial n = 0 elsewhere. The objective of the computation is to obtain the reaction rate defined by the Arrhenius law,

\omega(T, Y) = \frac{\beta^2}{2{\rm Le}} Y e^{\frac{\beta(T - 1)}{1 + \alpha(T-1)}}.

Here \alpha is the gas expansion coefficient in a flow with nonconstant density, \beta the non-dimensional activation energy, and \rm Le the Lewis number (ratio of diffusivity of heat and diffusivity of mass). Both \theta, 0 \le \theta \le 1 and Y, 0 \le Y \le 1 are dimensionless and so is the time t.

Second-order BDF formula for time integration

Time integration is performed using a second-order implicit BDF formula

T^{n+1} = -\frac{1}{2} T_1^{n+1} + \frac{3}{2} T_2^{n+1},\\
Y^{n+1} = -\frac{1}{2} Y_1^{n+1} + \frac{3}{2} Y_2^{n+1},

that is obtained using a combination of the following two first-order methods:

\frac{T_1^{n+1} - T^{n}}{\tau} = \Delta T_1^{n+1} + \omega(T_1^{n+1}, Y_1^{n+1}),\\
\frac{Y_1^{n+1} - Y^{n}}{\tau} = \frac{1}{\rm Le} \ \Delta Y_1^{n+1} - \omega(\theta_1^{n+1}, Y_1^{n+1}),


\frac{T_2^{n+1} - T^{n}}{\tau} = \frac{2}{3}\left(\Delta T_2^{n+1} + \omega(T_2^{n+1}, Y_2^{n+1})\right) +                                            \frac{1}{3}\left(\Delta T_2^{n} + \omega(T_2^{n}, Y_2^{n})\right),\\
\frac{Y_2^{n+1} - Y^{n}}{\tau} = \frac{2}{3}\left(\frac{1}{\rm Le}\ \Delta Y_2^{n+1} - \omega(T_2^{n+1}, Y_2^{n+1})\right) +
                                    \frac{1}{3}\left(\frac{1}{\rm Le}\ \Delta Y_2^{n} - \omega(T_2^{n}, Y_2^{n})\right).

Problem parameters are chosen as

// Problem constants
const double Le    = 1.0;
const double alpha = 0.8;
const double beta  = 10.0;
const double kappa = 0.1;
const double x1 = 9.0;

Initial conditions

It is worth mentioning that the initial conditions for T and Y,

// Initial conditions.
scalar temp_ic(double x, double y, scalar& dx, scalar& dy)
  { return (x <= x1) ? 1.0 : exp(x1 - x); }

scalar conc_ic(double x, double y, scalar& dx, scalar& dy)
  { return (x <= x1) ? 0.0 : 1.0 - exp(Le*(x1 - x)); }

are defined as exact functions:

// Set initial conditions.
t_prev_time_1.set_exact(&mesh, temp_ic); c_prev_time_1.set_exact(&mesh, conc_ic);
t_prev_time_2.set_exact(&mesh, temp_ic); c_prev_time_2.set_exact(&mesh, conc_ic);
t_prev_newton.set_exact(&mesh, temp_ic);  c_prev_newton.set_exact(&mesh, conc_ic);

Here the pairs of solutions (t_prev_time_1, y_prev_time_1) and (t_prev_time_2, y_prev_time_2) correspond to the two first-order time-stepping methods described above. and (t_prev_newton, y_prev_newton) are used to store the previous step approximation in the Newton’s method.

Using Filters

The reaction rate \omega and its derivatives are handled via Filters:

// Filters for the reaction rate omega and its derivatives.
DXDYFilter omega(omega_fn, Tuple<MeshFunction*>(&t_prev_newton, &c_prev_newton));
DXDYFilter omega_dt(omega_dt_fn, Tuple<MeshFunction*>(&t_prev_newton, &c_prev_newton));
DXDYFilter omega_dc(omega_dc_fn, Tuple<MeshFunction*>(&t_prev_newton, &c_prev_newton));

Details on the functions omega_fn, omega_dt_fn, omega_dy_fn and the weak forms can be found in the file forms.cpp

Reinitialization of Filters

Notice the reinitialization of the Filters at the end of the Newton’s loop. This is necessary as the functions defining the Filter have changed:

// Set current solutions to the latest Newton iterate
// and reinitialize filters of these solutions.
Solution::vector_to_solutions(newton.get_sln_vector(), Tuple<Space *>(&tspace, &cspace),
                              Tuple<Solution *>(&t_prev_newton, &c_prev_newton));

Visualization of a Filter

Also notice the visualization of a Filter:

// Visualization.
DXDYFilter omega_view(omega_fn, Tuple<MeshFunction*>(&t_prev_newton, &c_prev_newton));
char title[100];
sprintf(title, "Reaction rate, t = %g", current_time);

Sample results

A few snapshots of the reaction rate \omega at various times are shown below:
