NIST-12 (Multiple Difficulties)

This problem combines four difficulties of different strengths into the same problem by combining some of the features of the other test problems (reentrant corner, sharp peak, etc).

Model problem

Equation solved: Poisson equation

(1)-\Delta u - f = 0.

Domain of interest: L-shaped domain (-1,1) \times (-1,1) \ (0,1) \times (-1,0).

Boundary conditions: Dirichlet, given by exact solution.

Right-hand side

Quite complicated, see the source code.

Exact solution

u(x,y) =  r^{\alpha_{C} }\sin(\alpha_{C} \theta)
          + e^{-\alpha_{P} ((x - x_{P})^{2} + (y - y_{P})^{2})}
          + tan^{-1}(\alpha_{W} (r_{W} - r_{0}))
          + e^{-(1 - y) / \epsilon}.

where \alpha_C = \pi / \omega_C, r = \sqrt{x^2+y^2} and \theta = tan^{-1}(y/x). Here \omega_C determines the angle of the re-entrant corner.

(x_{P}, y_{P}) is the location of the peak, \alpha determines the strength of the peak,

and r_{W} = \sqrt{(x - x_{W})^{2} + (y - y_{W})^{2}}. Here (x_{W}, y_{W}) is the center of the circular wave front. r_{0} is the distance from the wave front to the center of the circle, and \alpha_W gives the steepness of the wave front.

Last but not least, \epsilon determines the strength of the boundary layer; the boundary layer was placed at y = -1.

Sample solution

Solution for \omega_C = 3 \pi /2, (x_{W}, y_{W}) = (0, -3/4), r_{0} = 3/4, \alpha_{W} = 200, (x_{P}, y_{P}) = (\sqrt{5} / 4, -1/4), \epsilon = 1/100:


Comparison of h-FEM (p=1), h-FEM (p=2) and hp-FEM with anisotropic refinements

Final mesh (h-FEM, p=1, anisotropic refinements):

Final mesh.

Final mesh (h-FEM, p=2, anisotropic refinements):

Final mesh.

Final mesh (hp-FEM, h-anisotropic refinements):

Final mesh.

DOF convergence graphs:

DOF convergence graph.

CPU convergence graphs:

CPU convergence graph.

hp-FEM with h-aniso and hp-aniso refinements

Final mesh (hp-FEM, h-anisotropic refinements):

Final mesh.

Final mesh (hp-FEM, hp-anisotropic refinements):

Final mesh.

DOF convergence graphs:

DOF convergence graph.

CPU convergence graphs:

CPU convergence graph.