Hermes2D  3.0
1 // This file is part of Hermes2D.
2 //
3 // Hermes2D is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
4 // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
5 // the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
6 // (at your option) any later version.
7 //
8 // Hermes2D is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 // GNU General Public License for more details.
12 //
13 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14 // along with Hermes2D. If not, see <>.
16 #include "weakform_library/weakforms_neutronics.h"
17 #include "weakform_library/integrals_h1.h"
19 #include <algorithm>
20 #include <iomanip>
21 namespace Hermes
22 {
23  namespace Hermes2D
24  {
25  namespace WeakFormsNeutronics
26  {
27  namespace Monoenergetic
28  {
29  namespace Diffusion
30  {
31  template<typename Scalar>
32  DefaultWeakFormFixedSource<Scalar>::DefaultWeakFormFixedSource(std::vector<std::string> regions,
33  std::vector<double> D_map,
34  std::vector<double> Sigma_a_map,
35  std::vector<double> Q_map) : WeakForm<Scalar>(1)
36  {
37  using namespace WeakFormsH1;
39  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < regions.size(); i++)
40  {
41  /* Jacobian */
42  // Diffusion.
43  this->add_matrix_form(new DefaultJacobianDiffusion<Scalar>(0, 0, regions[i], new Hermes1DFunction<Scalar>(D_map[i]),
45  // Absorption.
46  this->add_matrix_form(new DefaultMatrixFormVol<Scalar>(0, 0, regions[i], new Hermes2DFunction<Scalar>(Sigma_a_map[i]),
49  /* Residual */
50  // Diffusion.
51  this->add_vector_form(new DefaultResidualDiffusion<Scalar>(0, regions[i], new Hermes1DFunction<Scalar>(D_map[i])));
52  // Absorption.
53  this->add_vector_form(new DefaultResidualVol<Scalar>(0, regions[i], new Hermes2DFunction<Scalar>(Sigma_a_map[i])));
54  // Sources.
55  this->add_vector_form(new DefaultVectorFormVol<Scalar>(0, regions[i], new Hermes2DFunction<Scalar>(-Q_map[i])));
56  }
57  }
58  }
59  }
61  namespace Multigroup
62  {
63  namespace MaterialProperties
64  {
65  namespace Common
66  {
67  void MaterialPropertyMaps::extend_to_multigroup(const MaterialPropertyMap0& mrsg_map,
68  MaterialPropertyMap1 *mrmg_map)
69  {
70  if (G == 1)
71  this->warn(W_MG_EXTENSION);
73  MaterialPropertyMap0::const_iterator it;
74  for (it = mrsg_map.begin(); it != mrsg_map.end(); ++it)
75  (*mrmg_map)[it->first].assign(G, it->second);
76  }
78  void MaterialPropertyMaps::extend_to_multiregion(const rank1& srmg_array,
79  MaterialPropertyMap1 *mrmg_map)
80  {
81  if (materials_list.empty())
82  throw Hermes::Exceptions::Exception(E_MR_EXTENSION);
84  std::set<std::string>::const_iterator it;
85  for (it = materials_list.begin(); it != materials_list.end(); ++it)
86  (*mrmg_map)[*it] = srmg_array;
87  }
89  void MaterialPropertyMaps::extend_to_multiregion_multigroup(const rank0& srsg_value,
90  MaterialPropertyMap1 *mrmg_map)
91  {
92  if (materials_list.empty())
93  throw Hermes::Exceptions::Exception(E_MR_EXTENSION);
94  if (G == 1)
95  this->warn(W_MG_EXTENSION);
97  std::set<std::string>::const_iterator it;
98  for (it = materials_list.begin(); it != materials_list.end(); ++it)
99  (*mrmg_map)[*it].assign(G, srsg_value);
100  }
102  void MaterialPropertyMaps::fill_with(double c, MaterialPropertyMap1 *mrmg_map)
103  {
104  if (materials_list.empty())
105  throw Hermes::Exceptions::Exception(E_MR_EXTENSION);
107  std::set<std::string>::const_iterator it;
108  for (it = materials_list.begin(); it != materials_list.end(); ++it)
109  (*mrmg_map)[*it].assign(G, c);
110  }
112  void MaterialPropertyMaps::validate()
113  {
114  using namespace ValidationFunctors;
116  if (fission_multigroup_structure.empty())
117  fission_multigroup_structure = bool1(G, true);
119  if (chi.empty())
120  {
121  fill_with(0.0, &chi);
122  MaterialPropertyMap1::iterator it = chi.begin();
123  for (; it != chi.end(); ++it)
124  it->second[0] = 1.0;
125  fission_multigroup_structure = bool1(G, false);
126  fission_multigroup_structure[0] = true;
127  }
129  if (nu.empty() && !nuSigma_f.empty() && !Sigma_f.empty())
130  nu = NDArrayMapOp::divide<rank1>(nuSigma_f, Sigma_f);
131  else if (nuSigma_f.empty() && !nu.empty() && !Sigma_f.empty())
132  nuSigma_f = NDArrayMapOp::multiply<rank1>(nu, Sigma_f);
133  else if (Sigma_f.empty() && !nuSigma_f.empty() && !nu.empty())
134  Sigma_f = NDArrayMapOp::divide<rank1>(nuSigma_f, nu);
135  else if (!Sigma_f.empty() && !nuSigma_f.empty() && !nu.empty())
136  {
137  MaterialPropertyMap1 diff = NDArrayMapOp::subtract<rank1>(nuSigma_f,
138  NDArrayMapOp::multiply<rank1>(nu, Sigma_f));
139  std::for_each(diff.begin(), diff.end(), ensure_trivial());
140  }
141  else
142  {
143  this->warn(W_NO_FISSION);
144  fill_with(0.0, &nu);
145  fill_with(0.0, &chi);
146  fill_with(0.0, &Sigma_f);
147  }
149  if ((nu.size() != Sigma_f.size()) || (nu.size() != chi.size()))
150  throw Hermes::Exceptions::Exception(E_NONMATCHING_PROPERTIES);
152  if (Sigma_f.size() > 0)
153  {
154  std::for_each(nu.begin(), nu.end(), ensure_size(G));
155  std::for_each(Sigma_f.begin(), Sigma_f.end(), ensure_size(G));
156  std::for_each(chi.begin(), chi.end(), ensure_size(G));
157  }
159  if (Sigma_a.size() > 0)
160  {
161  // Warn if \Sigma_a < \Sigma_f for any region (this indicates an unphysical situation, since
162  // by definition \Sigma_a = \Sigma_f + \Sigma_c + \Sigma_{n, p} + other possible reactions
163  // leading to neutron removal).
164  MaterialPropertyMap1::const_iterator ita = Sigma_a.begin();
165  MaterialPropertyMap1::const_iterator itf = Sigma_f.begin();
166  for (; ita != Sigma_a.end(); ++ita, ++itf)
167  {
168  rank1::const_iterator a = ita->second.begin();
169  rank1::const_iterator f = itf->second.begin();
171  for (; a != ita->second.end(); ++a, ++f)
172  if (*a < *f)
173  this->warn(W_SA_LT_SF);
174  }
175  }
176  }
178  const rank1& MaterialPropertyMaps::get_Sigma_f(std::string material) const
179  {
180  if (material == "-999") return this->Sigma_f.begin()->second;
182  // Note that prop[e->elem_marker] cannot be used since 'prop' is a constant std::map for
183  // which operator[] is undefined.
184  MaterialPropertyMap1::const_iterator data = this->Sigma_f.find(material);
185  if (data != this->Sigma_f.end())
186  return data->second;
187  else
188  {
189  throw Hermes::Exceptions::Exception(E_INVALID_MARKER);
190  // To avoid MSVC problems; execution should never come to this point.
191  return *(new rank1());
192  }
193  }
194  const rank1& MaterialPropertyMaps::get_nu(std::string material) const
195  {
196  if (material == "-999") return this->nu.begin()->second;
198  MaterialPropertyMap1::const_iterator data = this->nu.find(material);
199  if (data != this->nu.end())
200  return data->second;
201  else
202  {
203  throw Hermes::Exceptions::Exception(E_INVALID_MARKER);
204  // To avoid MSVC problems; execution should never come to this point.
205  return *(new rank1());
206  }
207  }
208  const rank1& MaterialPropertyMaps::get_chi(std::string material) const
209  {
210  if (material == "-999") return this->chi.begin()->second;
212  MaterialPropertyMap1::const_iterator data = this->chi.find(material);
213  if (data != this->chi.end())
214  return data->second;
215  else
216  {
217  throw Hermes::Exceptions::Exception(E_INVALID_MARKER);
218  // To avoid MSVC problems; execution should never come to this point.
219  return *(new rank1());
220  }
221  }
223  std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream& os, const MaterialPropertyMaps& matprop)
224  {
225  using namespace std;
227  os << std::endl;
228  os << setw(12) << "target group" << setw(10) << "chi" << setw(10) << "nu";
229  os << setw(10) << "Sigma_f" << std::endl;
231  MaterialPropertyMap1::const_iterator data_elem = matprop.chi.begin();
232  for (; data_elem != matprop.chi.end(); ++data_elem)
233  {
234  string mat = data_elem->first;
236  os << setw(80) << setfill('-') << ' ' << std::endl << setfill(' ');
237  os << setw(40) << mat << std::endl;
238  os << setw(80) << setfill('-') << ' ' << std::endl << setfill(' ');
239  for (unsigned int gto = 0; gto < matprop.G; gto++)
240  {
241  os << setw(6) << gto << setw(6) << ' ';
242  os << setw(10) << matprop.get_chi(mat)[gto];
243  os << setw(10) << matprop.get_nu(mat)[gto];
244  os << setw(10) << matprop.get_Sigma_f(mat)[gto];
246  os << std::endl;
247  }
248  }
250  os << std::endl;
251  return os;
252  }
253  }
255  namespace Diffusion
256  {
257  MaterialPropertyMap1 MaterialPropertyMaps::extract_map2_diagonals(const MaterialPropertyMap2& map2)
258  {
259  MaterialPropertyMap1 diags;
261  MaterialPropertyMap2::const_iterator map2_it = map2.begin();
262  for (; map2_it != map2.end(); ++map2_it)
263  {
264  diags[map2_it->first].reserve(G);
265  for (unsigned int g = 0; g < G; g++)
266  diags[map2_it->first].push_back(map2_it->second[g][g]);
267  }
269  return diags;
270  }
272  MaterialPropertyMap1 MaterialPropertyMaps::sum_map2_columns(const MaterialPropertyMap2& map2)
273  {
274  MaterialPropertyMap1 summed;
276  MaterialPropertyMap2::const_iterator map2_it = map2.begin();
277  for (; map2_it != map2.end(); ++map2_it)
278  {
279  summed[map2_it->first].reserve(G);
280  for (unsigned int gfrom = 0; gfrom < G; gfrom++)
281  {
282  double sum = 0.0;
284  for (unsigned int gto = 0; gto < G; gto++)
285  sum += map2_it->second[gto][gfrom];
287  summed[map2_it->first].push_back(sum);
288  }
289  }
291  return summed;
292  }
294  MaterialPropertyMap2 MaterialPropertyMaps::create_map2_by_diagonals(const MaterialPropertyMap1& diags)
295  {
296  MaterialPropertyMap2 map2;
298  MaterialPropertyMap1::const_iterator diags_it = diags.begin();
299  for (; diags_it != diags.end(); ++diags_it)
300  {
301  map2[diags_it->first].resize(G, rank1(G, 0.0));
303  for (unsigned int g = 0; g < G; g++)
304  map2[diags_it->first][g][g] = diags_it->second[g];
305  }
307  return map2;
308  }
310  void MaterialPropertyMaps::fill_with(double c, MaterialPropertyMap2 *mrmg_map)
311  {
312  std::set<std::string>::const_iterator it;
313  for (it = materials_list.begin(); it != materials_list.end(); ++it)
314  (*mrmg_map)[*it].assign(G, rank1(G, c));
315  }
317  void MaterialPropertyMaps::validate()
318  {
319  Common::MaterialPropertyMaps::validate();
321  bool D_given = !D.empty();
322  bool Sigma_r_given = !Sigma_r.empty();
323  bool Sigma_s_given = !Sigma_s.empty();
324  bool Sigma_t_given = !Sigma_t.empty();
325  bool Sigma_a_given = !Sigma_a.empty();
326  bool Sigma_f_given = !Sigma_f.empty();
327  bool src_given = !src.empty();
329  if (!Sigma_r_given)
330  {
331  // If Sigma_r is not given, we can calculate it from Sigma_t and Sigma_s.
333  if (Sigma_t_given)
334  {
335  if (!Sigma_s_given)
336  {
337  if (Sigma_a_given)
338  {
339  // If Sigma_s is not given, but Sigma_a is, we can calculate Sigma_s from Sigma_t and Sigma_a.
340  Sigma_s = create_map2_by_diagonals(Common::NDArrayMapOp::subtract<rank1>(Sigma_t, Sigma_a));
341  }
342  else
343  {
344  // If only Sigma_t is given, we assume that all reaction terms are included in Sigma_t; all
345  // other x-sections will be set to zero.
346  this->warn(W_NO_SCATTERING);
347  fill_with(0.0, &Sigma_s);
348  }
350  Sigma_s_given = true;
351  }
352  }
353  else
354  {
355  // If Sigma_t is not given, but Sigma_a and Sigma_s are, we can obtain Sigma_t from the latter two.
357  if (!Sigma_s_given)
358  {
359  this->warn(W_NO_SCATTERING);
360  fill_with(0.0, &Sigma_s);
361  Sigma_s_given = true;
362  }
364  if (Sigma_a_given)
365  Sigma_t = Common::NDArrayMapOp::add<rank1>(Sigma_a, sum_map2_columns(Sigma_s));
366  else
367  {
368  // If neither Sigma_r, Sigma_t, Sigma_a are given, we may have a purely fissioning system.
369  if (Sigma_f_given)
370  Sigma_t = Sigma_f;
371  else
372  throw Hermes::Exceptions::Exception(E_INSUFFICIENT_DATA);
373  }
375  Sigma_t_given = true;
376  }
378  Sigma_r = Common::NDArrayMapOp::subtract<rank1>(Sigma_t, extract_map2_diagonals(Sigma_s));
379  Sigma_r_given = true;
380  }
382  // Now, we surely have Sigma_r ...
384  if (scattering_multigroup_structure.empty())
385  scattering_multigroup_structure = bool2(G, std::vector<bool>(G, true));
387  if (!Sigma_s_given)
388  {
389  // If Sigma_s is not given, but Sigma_t is, we can obtain the former from the latter and from Sigma_r.
390  // Note that the execution will come here only if the user entered Sigma_r himself - otherwise, Sigma_s
391  // has been already set in the previous test case.
393  if (Sigma_t_given)
394  {
395  Sigma_s = create_map2_by_diagonals(Common::NDArrayMapOp::subtract<rank1>(Sigma_t, Sigma_r));
397  scattering_multigroup_structure = bool2(G, std::vector<bool>(G, false));
398  for (unsigned int gto = 0; gto < G; gto++)
399  for (unsigned int gfrom = 0; gfrom < G; gfrom++)
400  if (gto == gfrom)
401  scattering_multigroup_structure[gto][gfrom] = true;
402  }
403  else
404  {
405  this->warn(W_NO_SCATTERING);
406  fill_with(0.0, &Sigma_s);
407  scattering_multigroup_structure = bool2(G, std::vector<bool>(G, false));
408  }
410  Sigma_s_given = true;
411  }
413  // Now, we surely have Sigma_s and Sigma_r, one parameter to go ...
415  if (!D_given)
416  {
417  MaterialPropertyMap1::const_iterator Sr_elem = Sigma_r.begin();
418  for (; Sr_elem != Sigma_r.end(); ++Sr_elem)
419  for (unsigned int g = 0; g < G; g++)
420  D[Sr_elem->first][g] = 1. / (3.*Sr_elem->second[g]);
422  D_given = true;
423  }
425  if ((D.size() != Sigma_r.size()) || (D.size() != Sigma_s.size()) || (src_given && D.size() != src.size()))
426  throw Hermes::Exceptions::Exception(E_NONMATCHING_PROPERTIES);
428  using ValidationFunctors::ensure_size;
429  std::for_each(Sigma_s.begin(), Sigma_s.end(), ensure_size(G, G));
430  std::for_each(Sigma_r.begin(), Sigma_r.end(), ensure_size(G));
431  std::for_each(src.begin(), src.end(), ensure_size(G));
432  std::for_each(D.begin(), D.end(), ensure_size(G));
433  }
435  const rank2& MaterialPropertyMaps::get_Sigma_s(std::string material) const
436  {
437  if (material == "-999") return this->Sigma_s.begin()->second;
439  // Note that prop[e->elem_marker] cannot be used since 'prop' is a constant std::map for
440  // which operator[] is undefined.
441  MaterialPropertyMap2::const_iterator data = this->Sigma_s.find(material);
442  if (data != this->Sigma_s.end())
443  return data->second;
444  else
445  {
446  throw Hermes::Exceptions::Exception(E_INVALID_MARKER);
447  // To avoid MSVC problems; execution should never come to this point.
448  return *(new rank2());
449  }
450  }
451  const rank1& MaterialPropertyMaps::get_Sigma_r(std::string material) const
452  {
453  if (material == "-999") return this->Sigma_r.begin()->second;
455  MaterialPropertyMap1::const_iterator data = this->Sigma_r.find(material);
456  if (data != this->Sigma_r.end())
457  return data->second;
458  else
459  {
460  throw Hermes::Exceptions::Exception(E_INVALID_MARKER);
461  // To avoid MSVC problems; execution should never come to this point.
462  return *(new rank1());
463  }
464  }
465  const rank1& MaterialPropertyMaps::get_D(std::string material) const
466  {
467  if (material == "-999") return this->D.begin()->second;
469  MaterialPropertyMap1::const_iterator data = this->D.find(material);
470  if (data != this->D.end())
471  return data->second;
472  else
473  {
474  throw Hermes::Exceptions::Exception(E_INVALID_MARKER);
475  // To avoid MSVC problems; execution should never come to this point.
476  return *(new rank1());
477  }
478  }
479  const rank1& MaterialPropertyMaps::get_src(std::string material) const
480  {
481  if (material == "-999") return this->src.begin()->second;
483  MaterialPropertyMap1::const_iterator data = this->src.find(material);
484  if (data != this->src.end())
485  return data->second;
486  else
487  {
488  throw Hermes::Exceptions::Exception(E_INVALID_MARKER);
489  // To avoid MSVC problems; execution should never come to this point.
490  return *(new rank1());
491  }
492  }
494  HERMES_API std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream& os, const MaterialPropertyMaps& matprop)
495  {
496  using namespace std;
498  os << static_cast<const Common::MaterialPropertyMaps&>(matprop) << std::endl;
500  os << setw(12) << "target group" << setw(10) << "D" << setw(10) << "Sigma_r";
501  os << setw(10) << "ext. src" << setw(22) << "Sigma_s" << std::endl;
503  MaterialPropertyMap1::const_iterator data_elem = matprop.Sigma_r.begin();
504  for (; data_elem != matprop.Sigma_r.end(); ++data_elem)
505  {
506  string mat = data_elem->first;
508  os << setw(80) << setfill('-') << ' ' << std::endl << setfill(' ');
509  os << setw(40) << mat << std::endl;
510  os << setw(80) << setfill('-') << ' ' << std::endl << setfill(' ');
511  for (unsigned int gto = 0; gto < matprop.G; gto++)
512  {
513  os << setw(6) << gto << setw(6) << ' ';
514  os << setw(10) << matprop.get_D(mat)[gto];
515  os << setw(10) << matprop.get_Sigma_r(mat)[gto];
516  os << setw(10);
517  if (matprop.src.empty())
518  os << "N/A";
519  else
520  os << matprop.get_src(mat)[gto];
522  for (unsigned int gfrom = 0; gfrom < matprop.G; gfrom++)
523  os << setw(8) << matprop.get_Sigma_s(mat)[gto][gfrom];
525  os << std::endl;
526  }
527  }
529  return os << std::endl;
530  }
531  }
532  }
534  namespace ElementaryForms
535  {
536  namespace Diffusion
537  {
538  template<typename ScalarClass>
539  template<typename Real, typename Scalar>
540  Scalar VacuumBoundaryCondition::Jacobian<ScalarClass>::matrix_form(int n, double *wt, Func<Scalar> *u_ext[], Func<Real> *u,
541  Func<Real> *v, GeomSurf<Real> *e, Func<Scalar> **ext) const
542  {
543  Scalar result;
545  if (geom_type == HERMES_PLANAR)
546  result = 0.5 * int_u_v<Real, Scalar>(n, wt, u, v);
547  else if (geom_type == HERMES_AXISYM_X)
548  result = 0.5 * int_y_u_v<Real, Scalar>(n, wt, u, v, e);
549  else
550  result = 0.5 * int_x_u_v<Real, Scalar>(n, wt, u, v, e);
552  return result;
553  }
555  template<typename ScalarClass>
556  template<typename Real, typename Scalar>
557  Scalar VacuumBoundaryCondition::Residual<ScalarClass>::vector_form(int n, double *wt, Func<Scalar> *u_ext[],
558  Func<Real> *v, GeomSurf<Real> *e, Func<Scalar> **ext) const
559  {
560  Scalar result;
562  if (geom_type == HERMES_PLANAR)
563  result = 0.5 * int_u_ext_v<Real, Scalar>(n, wt, u_ext[g], v);
564  else if (geom_type == HERMES_AXISYM_X)
565  result = 0.5 * int_y_u_ext_v<Real, Scalar>(n, wt, u_ext[g], v, e);
566  else
567  result = 0.5 * int_x_u_ext_v<Real, Scalar>(n, wt, u_ext[g], v, e);
569  return result;
570  }
572  template<typename ScalarClass>
573  template<typename Real, typename Scalar>
574  Scalar DiffusionReaction::Jacobian<ScalarClass>::matrix_form(int n, double *wt, Func<Scalar> *u_ext[], Func<Real> *u,
575  Func<Real> *v, GeomVol<Real> *e, Func<Scalar> **ext) const
576  {
577  Scalar result;
579  std::string mat = this->mesh->get_element_markers_conversion().get_user_marker(e->elem_marker).marker;
580  rank1 D_elem = matprop.get_D(mat);
581  rank1 Sigma_r_elem = matprop.get_Sigma_r(mat);
583  if (geom_type == HERMES_PLANAR)
584  {
585  result = D_elem[g] * int_grad_u_grad_v<Real, Scalar>(n, wt, u, v) +
586  Sigma_r_elem[g] * int_u_v<Real, Scalar>(n, wt, u, v);
587  }
588  else
589  {
590  if (geom_type == HERMES_AXISYM_X)
591  {
592  result = D_elem[g] * int_y_grad_u_grad_v<Real, Scalar>(n, wt, u, v, e) +
593  Sigma_r_elem[g] * int_y_u_v<Real, Scalar>(n, wt, u, v, e);
594  }
595  else
596  {
597  result = D_elem[g] * int_x_grad_u_grad_v<Real, Scalar>(n, wt, u, v, e) +
598  Sigma_r_elem[g] * int_x_u_v<Real, Scalar>(n, wt, u, v, e);
599  }
600  }
601  return result;
602  }
604  template<typename ScalarClass>
605  template<typename Real, typename Scalar>
606  Scalar DiffusionReaction::Residual<ScalarClass>::vector_form(int n, double *wt, Func<Scalar> *u_ext[],
607  Func<Real> *v, GeomVol<Real> *e, Func<Scalar> **ext) const
608  {
609  Scalar result;
611  std::string mat = this->mesh->get_element_markers_conversion().get_user_marker(e->elem_marker).marker;
612  rank1 D_elem = matprop.get_D(mat);
613  rank1 Sigma_r_elem = matprop.get_Sigma_r(mat);
615  if (geom_type == HERMES_PLANAR)
616  {
617  result = D_elem[g] * int_grad_u_ext_grad_v<Real, Scalar>(n, wt, u_ext[g], v) +
618  Sigma_r_elem[g] * int_u_ext_v<Real, Scalar>(n, wt, u_ext[g], v);
619  }
620  else
621  {
622  if (geom_type == HERMES_AXISYM_X)
623  {
624  result = D_elem[g] * int_y_grad_u_ext_grad_v<Real, Scalar>(n, wt, u_ext[g], v, e) +
625  Sigma_r_elem[g] * int_y_u_ext_v<Real, Scalar>(n, wt, u_ext[g], v, e);
626  }
627  else
628  {
629  result = D_elem[g] * int_x_grad_u_ext_grad_v<Real, Scalar>(n, wt, u_ext[g], v, e) +
630  Sigma_r_elem[g] * int_x_u_ext_v<Real, Scalar>(n, wt, u_ext[g], v, e);
631  }
632  }
633  return result;
634  }
636  template<typename ScalarClass>
637  template<typename Real, typename Scalar>
638  Scalar FissionYield::Jacobian<ScalarClass>::matrix_form(int n, double *wt, Func<Scalar> *u_ext[], Func<Real> *u,
639  Func<Real> *v, GeomVol<Real> *e, Func<Scalar> **ext) const
640  {
641  if (!matprop.get_fission_multigroup_structure()[gto])
642  return Scalar(0.0);
644  Scalar result = Scalar(0);
645  if (geom_type == HERMES_PLANAR) result = int_u_v<Real, Scalar>(n, wt, u, v);
646  else
647  {
648  if (geom_type == HERMES_AXISYM_X) result = int_y_u_v<Real, Scalar>(n, wt, u, v, e);
649  else result = int_x_u_v<Real, Scalar>(n, wt, u, v, e);
650  }
652  std::string mat = this->mesh->get_element_markers_conversion().get_user_marker(e->elem_marker).marker;
653  rank1 nu_elem = matprop.get_nu(mat);
654  rank1 Sigma_f_elem = matprop.get_Sigma_f(mat);
655  rank1 chi_elem = matprop.get_chi(mat);
657  return result * chi_elem[gto] * nu_elem[gfrom] * Sigma_f_elem[gfrom];
658  }
660  template<typename ScalarClass>
661  template<typename Real, typename Scalar>
662  Scalar FissionYield::OuterIterationForm<ScalarClass>::vector_form(int n, double *wt, Func<Scalar> *u_ext[],
663  Func<Real> *v, GeomVol<Real> *e, Func<Scalar> **ext) const
664  {
665  if (!matprop.get_fission_multigroup_structure()[g])
666  return Scalar(0.0);
668  std::string mat = this->mesh->get_element_markers_conversion().get_user_marker(e->elem_marker).marker;
669  rank1 nu_elem = matprop.get_nu(mat);
670  rank1 Sigma_f_elem = matprop.get_Sigma_f(mat);
671  rank1 chi_elem = matprop.get_chi(mat);
673  Scalar result = Scalar(0);
674  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
675  {
676  Scalar local_res = Scalar(0);
677  for (int gfrom = 0; gfrom < this->wf->get_ext().size(); gfrom++)
678  local_res += nu_elem[gfrom] * Sigma_f_elem[gfrom] * ext[gfrom]->val[i];
680  local_res = local_res * wt[i] * v->val[i];
682  if (geom_type == HERMES_AXISYM_X)
683  local_res = local_res * e->y[i];
684  else if (geom_type == HERMES_AXISYM_Y)
685  local_res = local_res * e->x[i];
687  result += local_res;
688  }
690  return result * chi_elem[g] / keff;
691  }
693  template<typename ScalarClass>
694  template<typename Real, typename Scalar>
695  Scalar FissionYield::Residual<ScalarClass>::vector_form(int n, double *wt, Func<Scalar> *u_ext[],
696  Func<Real> *v, GeomVol<Real> *e, Func<Scalar> **ext) const
697  {
698  if (!matprop.get_fission_multigroup_structure()[gto])
699  return Scalar(0.0);
701  Scalar result = Scalar(0);
702  if (geom_type == HERMES_PLANAR) result = int_u_ext_v<Real, Scalar>(n, wt, u_ext[gfrom], v);
703  else
704  {
705  if (geom_type == HERMES_AXISYM_X) result = int_y_u_ext_v<Real, Scalar>(n, wt, u_ext[gfrom], v, e);
706  else result = int_x_u_ext_v<Real, Scalar>(n, wt, u_ext[gfrom], v, e);
707  }
709  std::string mat = this->mesh->get_element_markers_conversion().get_user_marker(e->elem_marker).marker;
710  rank1 nu_elem = matprop.get_nu(mat);
711  rank1 Sigma_f_elem = matprop.get_Sigma_f(mat);
712  rank1 chi_elem = matprop.get_chi(mat);
714  return result * chi_elem[gto] * nu_elem[gfrom] * Sigma_f_elem[gfrom];
715  }
717  template<typename ScalarClass>
718  template<typename Real, typename Scalar>
719  Scalar Scattering::Jacobian<ScalarClass>::matrix_form(int n, double *wt, Func<Scalar> *u_ext[], Func<Real> *u,
720  Func<Real> *v, GeomVol<Real> *e, Func<Scalar> **ext) const
721  {
722  Scalar result = Scalar(0);
723  if (geom_type == HERMES_PLANAR) result = int_u_v<Real, Scalar>(n, wt, u, v);
724  else
725  {
726  if (geom_type == HERMES_AXISYM_X) result = int_y_u_v<Real, Scalar>(n, wt, u, v, e);
727  else result = int_x_u_v<Real, Scalar>(n, wt, u, v, e);
728  }
730  return result * matprop.get_Sigma_s(this->mesh->get_element_markers_conversion().get_user_marker(e->elem_marker).marker)[gto][gfrom];
731  }
733  template<typename ScalarClass>
734  template<typename Real, typename Scalar>
735  Scalar Scattering::Residual<ScalarClass>::vector_form(int n, double *wt, Func<Scalar> *u_ext[],
736  Func<Real> *v, GeomVol<Real> *e, Func<Scalar> **ext) const
737  {
738  Scalar result = Scalar(0);
739  if (geom_type == HERMES_PLANAR) result = int_u_ext_v<Real, Scalar>(n, wt, u_ext[gfrom], v);
740  else
741  {
742  if (geom_type == HERMES_AXISYM_X) result = int_y_u_ext_v<Real, Scalar>(n, wt, u_ext[gfrom], v, e);
743  else result = int_x_u_ext_v<Real, Scalar>(n, wt, u_ext[gfrom], v, e);
744  }
746  return result * matprop.get_Sigma_s(this->mesh->get_element_markers_conversion().get_user_marker(e->elem_marker).marker)[gto][gfrom];
747  }
749  template<typename ScalarClass>
750  template<typename Real, typename Scalar>
751  Scalar ExternalSources::LinearForm<ScalarClass>::vector_form(int n, double *wt, Func<Scalar> *u_ext[],
752  Func<Real> *v, GeomVol<Real> *e, Func<Scalar> **ext) const
753  {
754  std::string mat = this->mesh->get_element_markers_conversion().get_user_marker(e->elem_marker).marker;
756  if (geom_type == HERMES_PLANAR)
757  return matprop.get_src(mat)[g] * int_v<Real>(n, wt, v);
758  else
759  {
760  if (geom_type == HERMES_AXISYM_X)
761  return matprop.get_src(mat)[g] * int_y_v<Real>(n, wt, v, e);
762  else
763  return matprop.get_src(mat)[g] * int_x_v<Real>(n, wt, v, e);
764  }
765  }
766  }
767  }
769  namespace CompleteWeakForms
770  {
771  namespace Diffusion
772  {
773  template<typename Scalar>
774  void DefaultWeakFormFixedSource<Scalar>::lhs_init(unsigned int G, const MaterialPropertyMaps& matprop, MeshSharedPtr mesh,
775  GeomType geom_type)
776  {
777  bool2 Ss_nnz = matprop.get_scattering_multigroup_structure();
778  bool1 chi_nnz = matprop.get_fission_multigroup_structure();
780  for (unsigned int gto = 0; gto < G; gto++)
781  {
782  this->add_matrix_form(new DiffusionReaction::Jacobian<Scalar>(gto, matprop, mesh, geom_type));
783  this->add_vector_form(new DiffusionReaction::Residual<Scalar>(gto, matprop, mesh, geom_type));
785  for (unsigned int gfrom = 0; gfrom < G; gfrom++)
786  {
787  if (Ss_nnz[gto][gfrom])
788  {
789  this->add_matrix_form(new Scattering::Jacobian<Scalar>(gto, gfrom, matprop, mesh, geom_type));
790  this->add_vector_form(new Scattering::Residual<Scalar>(gto, gfrom, matprop, mesh, geom_type));
791  }
793  if (chi_nnz[gto])
794  {
795  this->add_matrix_form(new FissionYield::Jacobian<Scalar>(gto, gfrom, matprop, mesh, geom_type));
796  this->add_vector_form(new FissionYield::Residual<Scalar>(gto, gfrom, matprop, mesh, geom_type));
797  }
798  }
799  }
800  }
802  template<typename Scalar>
803  DefaultWeakFormFixedSource<Scalar>::DefaultWeakFormFixedSource(const MaterialPropertyMaps& matprop, MeshSharedPtr mesh,
804  GeomType geom_type) : WeakForm<Scalar>(matprop.get_G())
805  {
806  lhs_init(matprop.get_G(), matprop, mesh, geom_type);
807  for (unsigned int gto = 0; gto < matprop.get_G(); gto++)
808  this->add_vector_form(new ExternalSources::LinearForm<Scalar>(gto, matprop, mesh, geom_type));
809  }
811  template<typename Scalar>
812  DefaultWeakFormFixedSource<Scalar>::DefaultWeakFormFixedSource(const MaterialPropertyMaps& matprop, MeshSharedPtr mesh,
813  Hermes2DFunction<Scalar>*f_src, std::string src_area,
814  GeomType geom_type) : WeakForm<Scalar>(matprop.get_G())
815  {
816  lhs_init(matprop.get_G(), matprop, mesh, geom_type);
817  for (unsigned int gto = 0; gto < matprop.get_G(); gto++)
818  this->add_vector_form(new WeakFormsH1::DefaultVectorFormVol<Scalar>(gto, src_area, f_src, geom_type));
819  }
821  template<typename Scalar>
822  DefaultWeakFormFixedSource<Scalar>::DefaultWeakFormFixedSource(const MaterialPropertyMaps& matprop, MeshSharedPtr mesh,
823  Hermes2DFunction<Scalar>*f_src,
824  std::vector<std::string> src_areas,
825  GeomType geom_type) : WeakForm<Scalar>(matprop.get_G())
826  {
827  lhs_init(matprop.get_G(), matprop, mesh, geom_type);
828  for (unsigned int gto = 0; gto < matprop.get_G(); gto++)
829  this->add_vector_form(new WeakFormsH1::DefaultVectorFormVol<Scalar>(gto, src_areas, f_src, geom_type));
830  }
832  template<typename Scalar>
833  DefaultWeakFormFixedSource<Scalar>::DefaultWeakFormFixedSource(const MaterialPropertyMaps& matprop, MeshSharedPtr mesh,
834  const std::vector<Hermes2DFunction<Scalar>*>& f_src,
835  std::string src_area,
836  GeomType geom_type) : WeakForm<Scalar>(matprop.get_G())
837  {
838  if (f_src.size() != matprop.get_G())
839  throw Hermes::Exceptions::Exception(E_INVALID_SIZE);
841  lhs_init(matprop.get_G(), matprop, mesh, geom_type);
842  for (unsigned int gto = 0; gto < matprop.get_G(); gto++)
843  this->add_vector_form(new WeakFormsH1::DefaultVectorFormVol<Scalar>(gto, src_area, f_src[gto], geom_type));
844  }
846  template<typename Scalar>
847  DefaultWeakFormFixedSource<Scalar>::DefaultWeakFormFixedSource(const MaterialPropertyMaps& matprop, MeshSharedPtr mesh,
848  const std::vector<Hermes2DFunction<Scalar>*>& f_src,
849  std::vector<std::string> src_areas,
850  GeomType geom_type) : WeakForm<Scalar>(matprop.get_G())
851  {
852  if (f_src.size() != matprop.get_G())
853  throw Hermes::Exceptions::Exception(E_INVALID_SIZE);
855  lhs_init(matprop.get_G(), matprop, mesh, geom_type);
856  for (unsigned int gto = 0; gto < matprop.get_G(); gto++)
857  this->add_vector_form(new WeakFormsH1::DefaultVectorFormVol<Scalar>(gto, src_areas, f_src[gto], geom_type));
858  }
860  template<typename Scalar>
861  DefaultWeakFormSourceIteration<Scalar>::DefaultWeakFormSourceIteration(const MaterialPropertyMaps& matprop, MeshSharedPtr mesh,
862  std::vector<MeshFunctionSharedPtr<Scalar> >& iterates,
863  double initial_keff_guess,
864  GeomType geom_type) : WeakForm<Scalar>(matprop.get_G())
865  {
866  bool2 Ss_nnz = matprop.get_scattering_multigroup_structure();
868  for (unsigned int gto = 0; gto < matprop.get_G(); gto++)
869  {
870  this->add_matrix_form(new DiffusionReaction::Jacobian<Scalar>(gto, matprop, mesh, geom_type));
871  this->add_vector_form(new DiffusionReaction::Residual<Scalar>(gto, matprop, mesh, geom_type));
873  for (unsigned int gfrom = 0; gfrom < matprop.get_G(); gfrom++)
874  {
875  if (Ss_nnz[gto][gfrom])
876  {
877  this->add_matrix_form(new Scattering::Jacobian<Scalar>(gto, gfrom, matprop, mesh, geom_type));
878  this->add_vector_form(new Scattering::Residual<Scalar>(gto, gfrom, matprop, mesh, geom_type));
879  }
880  }
882  FissionYield::OuterIterationForm<Scalar>* keff_iteration_form = new FissionYield::OuterIterationForm<Scalar>(gto, matprop, mesh, iterates, initial_keff_guess, geom_type);
883  this->set_ext(iterates);
884  keff_iteration_forms.push_back(keff_iteration_form);
885  this->add_vector_form(keff_iteration_form);
886  }
887  }
889  template<typename Scalar>
890  void DefaultWeakFormSourceIteration<Scalar>::update_keff(double new_keff)
891  {
892  /* Somehow does not work with templates. A bug / typo from me?
893  std::vector<FissionYield::OuterIterationForm<Scalar> *>::iterator it = keff_iteration_forms.begin();
894  for ( ; it != keff_iteration_forms.end(); ++it)
895  (*it)->update_keff(new_keff);
896  */
897  for (int i = 0; i < keff_iteration_forms.size(); i++)
898  keff_iteration_forms[i]->update_keff(new_keff);
899  }
900  }
901  }
903  namespace SupportClasses
904  {
905  void SourceFilter::filter_fn(int n, const std::vector<const double*>& values, double* result)
906  {
907  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
908  {
909  result[i] = 0;
910  for (unsigned int j = 0; j < values.size(); j++)
911  result[i] += nu[j] * Sigma_f[j] *[i];
912  }
913  }
914  }
915  }
916  namespace Monoenergetic
917  {
918  namespace Diffusion
919  {
920  template class HERMES_API DefaultWeakFormFixedSource < double > ;
921  template class HERMES_API DefaultWeakFormFixedSource < std::complex<double> > ;
922  }
923  }
924  namespace Multigroup
925  {
926  namespace ElementaryForms
927  {
928  namespace Diffusion
929  {
930  template class HERMES_API FissionYield::Jacobian < double > ;
931  template class HERMES_API FissionYield::Jacobian < std::complex<double> > ;
932  template class HERMES_API FissionYield::OuterIterationForm < double > ;
933  template class HERMES_API FissionYield::OuterIterationForm < std::complex<double> > ;
934  template class HERMES_API FissionYield::Residual < double > ;
935  template class HERMES_API FissionYield::Residual < std::complex<double> > ;
937  template class HERMES_API VacuumBoundaryCondition::Jacobian < double > ;
938  template class HERMES_API VacuumBoundaryCondition::Jacobian < std::complex<double> > ;
939  template class HERMES_API VacuumBoundaryCondition::Residual < double > ;
940  template class HERMES_API VacuumBoundaryCondition::Residual < std::complex<double> > ;
942  template double VacuumBoundaryCondition::Jacobian<double>::matrix_form<double, double>(int n, double *wt, Func<double> *u_ext[], Func<double> *u,
943  Func<double> *v, GeomSurf<double> *e, Func<double> **ext) const;
945  template double VacuumBoundaryCondition::Residual<double>::vector_form<double, double>(int n, double *wt, Func<double> *u_ext[],
946  Func<double> *v, GeomSurf<double> *e, Func<double> **ext) const;
948  template double DiffusionReaction::Jacobian<double>::matrix_form<double, double>(int n, double *wt, Func<double> *u_ext[], Func<double> *u,
949  Func<double> *v, GeomVol<double> *e, Func<double> **ext) const;
951  template double DiffusionReaction::Residual<double>::vector_form<double, double>(int n, double *wt, Func<double> *u_ext[],
952  Func<double> *v, GeomVol<double> *e, Func<double> **ext) const;
954  template double FissionYield::Jacobian<double>::matrix_form<double, double>(int n, double *wt, Func<double> *u_ext[], Func<double> *u,
955  Func<double> *v, GeomVol<double> *e, Func<double> **ext) const;
957  template double FissionYield::OuterIterationForm<double>::vector_form<double, double>(int n, double *wt, Func<double> *u_ext[],
958  Func<double> *v, GeomVol<double> *e, Func<double> **ext) const;
960  template double FissionYield::Residual<double>::vector_form<double, double>(int n, double *wt, Func<double> *u_ext[],
961  Func<double> *v, GeomVol<double> *e, Func<double> **ext) const;
963  template double Scattering::Jacobian<double>::matrix_form<double, double>(int n, double *wt, Func<double> *u_ext[], Func<double> *u,
964  Func<double> *v, GeomVol<double> *e, Func<double> **ext) const;
966  template double Scattering::Residual<double>::vector_form<double, double>(int n, double *wt, Func<double> *u_ext[],
967  Func<double> *v, GeomVol<double> *e, Func<double> **ext) const;
969  template double ExternalSources::LinearForm<double>::vector_form<double, double>(int n, double *wt, Func<double> *u_ext[],
970  Func<double> *v, GeomVol<double> *e, Func<double> **ext) const;
971  }
972  }
974  namespace CompleteWeakForms
975  {
976  namespace Diffusion
977  {
978  template class HERMES_API DefaultWeakFormFixedSource < double > ;
979  template class HERMES_API DefaultWeakFormFixedSource < std::complex<double> > ;
981  template class HERMES_API DefaultWeakFormSourceIteration < double > ;
982  template class HERMES_API DefaultWeakFormSourceIteration < std::complex<double> > ;
983  }
984  }
985  }
986  }
987  }
988 }
Definition: adapt.h:24
void set_ext(MeshFunctionSharedPtr< Scalar > ext)
Definition: weakform.cpp:350
::xsd::cxx::tree::string< char, simple_type > string
C++ type corresponding to the string XML Schema built-in type.
Geometrical type of weak forms.
Definition: global.h:148