Hermes2D  3.0
Hermes::Hermes2D::Views::BaseView< Scalar > Class Template Reference

Visualizes the basis functions of a space. More...

#include <base_view.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for Hermes::Hermes2D::Views::BaseView< Scalar >:

Public Member Functions

 BaseView (const char *title="BaseView", WinGeom *wg=nullptr)
 BaseView (char *title, WinGeom *wg=nullptr)
void show (SpaceSharedPtr< Scalar > space, int item=H2D_FN_VAL_0)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Hermes::Hermes2D::Views::ScalarView
void init ()
 ScalarView (const char *title="ScalarView", WinGeom *wg=nullptr)
 ScalarView (char *title, WinGeom *wg=nullptr)
void show (MeshFunctionSharedPtr< double > sln, int item=H2D_FN_VAL_0, MeshFunctionSharedPtr< double > xdisp=nullptr, MeshFunctionSharedPtr< double > ydisp=nullptr, double dmult=1.0)
void show (MeshFunctionSharedPtr< std::complex< double > > sln, int item=H2D_FN_VAL_0, MeshFunctionSharedPtr< double > xdisp=nullptr, MeshFunctionSharedPtr< double > ydisp=nullptr, double dmult=1.0)
void show_linearizer_data (double eps, int item=H2D_FN_VAL_0)
void show_mesh (bool show=true)
void show_bounding_box (bool show=true)
void show_contours (double step, double orig=0.0)
void hide_contours ()
void set_3d_mode (bool enable=true)
void set_vertical_scaling (double sc)
 Sets the scaling on the vertical axis programmatically.
void set_min_max_range (double min, double max)
 Sets the limits on displayed values. More...
virtual void reset_view (bool force_reset)
 Resets 2d and 3d view. More...
Linearizerget_linearizer ()
 Returns the internal linearizer for the purpose of parameter settings.
void set_linearizer_criterion (LinearizerCriterion criterion)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Hermes::Hermes2D::Views::View
void init ()
 View (const char *title, WinGeom *wg=nullptr)
 View (char *title, WinGeom *wg=nullptr)
int create ()
void close ()
void refresh ()
 Refreshes views.
const char * get_title () const
 Returns the title.
void set_title (const char *msg,...)
 Changes the window name (in its title-bar) to 'title'.
void set_min_max_range (double min, double max)
void auto_min_max_range ()
void get_min_max_range (double &min, double &max)
void show_scale (bool show=true)
void set_scale_position (int horz, int vert)
void set_scale_size (int width, int height, int numticks)
void set_scale_format (const char *fmt)
void fix_scale_width (int width=80)
void save_screenshot (const char *bmpname, bool high_quality=false)
void save_numbered_screenshot (const char *format, int number, bool high_quality=false)
void set_palette (ViewPaletteType type)
void set_num_palette_steps (int num)
void set_palette_filter (bool linear)
void wait_for_close ()
void wait_for_draw ()
void draw_help ()

Protected Member Functions

void free ()
void update_solution ()
void update_title ()
virtual void on_special_key (int key, int x, int y)
virtual const char * get_help_text () const
void update_solution ()
void update_solution ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Hermes::Hermes2D::Views::ScalarView
void init_element_info (MeshSharedPtr mesh)
 Creates element info from mesh.
void create_element_info_widgets ()
 Creates element ID widgets if not created already.
void draw_element_infos_2d ()
 Draws elements infos in 2D mode.
void prepare_gl_geometry ()
 prepares geometry in a form compatible with GL arrays; Data are updated if lin is updated. In a case of a failure (out of memory), gl_verts is nullptr and an old OpenGL rendering method has to be used.
void draw_values_2d ()
 draws values
void draw_edges_2d ()
 draws edges
void calculate_mesh_aabb (double *x_min, double *x_max, double *y_min, double *y_max)
 Calculates AABB from edges.
void draw_aabb ()
 Draws the axes-aligned bounding box of the model. Assumes a model/view matrix to be the current matrix on the OpenGL stack.
double calculate_ztrans_to_fit_view ()
virtual void update_layout ()
 Updates layout, i.e., centers 2d and 3d mesh.
void draw_tri_contours (ScalarLinearizerDataDimensions< LINEARIZER_DATA_TYPE >::triangle_t &)
void init_lighting ()
void update_mesh_info ()
 Updates mesh info. Assumes that data lock is locked.
virtual void on_display ()
void on_display_2d ()
void on_display_3d ()
virtual void on_key_down (unsigned char key, int x, int y)
virtual void on_mouse_move (int x, int y)
virtual void on_right_mouse_down (int x, int y)
 Handles selecting/deselecting of nodes.
virtual void on_middle_mouse_down (int x, int y)
virtual void on_middle_mouse_up (int x, int y)
virtual void on_close ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Hermes::Hermes2D::Views::View
void draw_fps ()
 draws current FPS
virtual void on_create (int output_id)
virtual void on_reshape (int width, int height)
virtual void on_left_mouse_down (int x, int y)
virtual void on_left_mouse_up (int x, int y)
virtual void on_left_mouse_double_click (int x, int y)
virtual void on_right_mouse_up (int x, int y)
virtual void on_right_mouse_double_click (int x, int y)
virtual void on_middle_mouse_double_click (int x, int y)
virtual void on_entry (int state)
void create_gl_palette ()
 Creates pallete texture in OpenGL. Assumes that view_sync is locked.
virtual void get_palette_color (double x, float *gl_color)
 Fills gl_color with palette color. Assumes that gl_color points to a vector of three components (RGB).
double untransform_x (double x)
double untransform_y (double y)
virtual void clear_background ()
 Clears background.
void pre_display ()
void display_antialiased ()
void set_ortho_projection (bool no_jitter=false)
void set_3d_projection (int fov, double znear, double zfar)
void draw_text (double x, double y, const char *text, int align=-1)
int get_text_width (const char *text)
char * get_screenshot_file_name ()
void save_screenshot_internal (const char *filename)
virtual void scale_dispatch ()
virtual int measure_scale_labels ()
void draw_continuous_scale (char *title, bool righttext)
void draw_discrete_scale (int numboxes, const char *boxnames[], const float boxcolors[][3])
void update_tex_adjust ()

Protected Attributes

SpaceSharedPtr< Scalar > space
MeshFunctionSharedPtr< Scalar > sln
MeshFunctionSharedPtr< double > complex_filter
double eps
int ndof
int item
int base_index
std::string basic_title
- Protected Attributes inherited from Hermes::Hermes2D::Views::ScalarView
 LinearizerMultidimensional class responsible for obtaining linearized data.
std::vector< ElementInfoelement_infos
 Element info.
unsigned int element_id_widget
 A GL display-list denoting a element ID widget. The geometry assumes the size of a pixel is 1x1.
bool show_element_info
 true, to draw element info (currently ID) in 2D mode
bool lin_updated
 true, if lin now contains new_ values
int max_gl_verts
 A maximum allocated number of vertices.
int max_gl_tris
 A maximum allocated number of triangles.
int gl_tri_cnt
 A number of OpenGL triangles.
bool show_values
 true to show values
bool show_edges
 true to show edges of mesh
bool show_aabb
 true to show the bounding box
float edges_color [3]
 color of edges
bool contours
 true to enable drawing of contours
double cont_orig
 contour settings.
double cont_step
float cont_color [3]
 color of contours (RGB)
bool do_zoom_to_fit
 true to automatically translate the view so that the whole model si displayed
bool is_constant
 true if the function to be displayed is constant
bool pmode
bool mode3d
bool panning
double xrot
double yrot
double xtrans
double ytrans
double ztrans
double xzscale
double yscale
double xctr
double yctr
double zctr
 Information about the range of vertex values.
double value_irange
double value_range_avg
- Protected Attributes inherited from Hermes::Hermes2D::Views::View
double rendering_frames [FPS_FRAME_SIZE]
 time spend in rendering of frames[in ms]
int rendering_frames_top
 the new_ location of the next FPS
bool view_not_reset
 True if the view was not reset and therefore it has to be.
double vertices_min_x
 AABB of shown mesh.
double vertices_max_x
double vertices_min_y
double vertices_max_y
double scale
double log_scale
double trans_x
double trans_y
double center_x
double center_y
int margin
int lspace
int rspace
int mouse_x
int mouse_y
int scx
int scy
double objx
double objy
bool dragging
bool scaling
std::string title
int output_id
int output_x
int output_y
int output_width
int output_height
float jitter_x
float jitter_y
bool hq_frame
bool frame_ready
ViewPaletteType pal_type
int pal_steps
int pal_filter
double tex_scale
double tex_shift
bool range_auto
double range_min
double range_max
bool b_scale
bool b_help
bool scale_focused
bool scale_dragging
int pos_horz
int pos_vert
int scale_x
int scale_y
int scale_width
int scale_height
int labels_width
int scale_numticks
int scale_box_height
int scale_box_skip
char scale_fmt [20]
int scale_fixed_width
bool want_screenshot
std::string screenshot_filename
unsigned int gl_pallete_tex_id
 OpenGL texture object ID.

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Hermes::Hermes2D::Views::View
static void wait_for_keypress (const char *text=nullptr)
 Waits for keypress. Deprecated.
static void wait (const char *text)
 Closes all views at once.
static void wait (ViewWaitEvent wait_event=HERMES_WAIT_CLOSE, const char *text=nullptr)
 Waits for an event.
- Protected Types inherited from Hermes::Hermes2D::Views::ScalarView
typedef void(* DrawSingleEdgeCallback )(int inx_vert_a, int inx_vert_b, ScalarView *viewer, void *param)
 A callback function that draws edge using specified vertex indices. Param is user supplied parameter.
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from Hermes::Hermes2D::Views::View
static double get_tick_count ()
 returns a current time[in ms]
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from Hermes::Hermes2D::Views::ScalarView
static const int fovy = 50
 Field of view in the vertical direction (in degrees).
static const double znear = 0.05
 Distance of the near clipping plane of the viewing frustum from the camera.
static const double zfar = 10
 Distance of the Far clipping plane of the viewing frustum from the camera.
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from Hermes::Hermes2D::Views::View
static int screenshot_no = 1

Detailed Description

template<typename Scalar>
class Hermes::Hermes2D::Views::BaseView< Scalar >

Visualizes the basis functions of a space.

BaseView is a debugging tool for the visualization of the basis functions
of a given space.

Definition at line 68 of file space.h.

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