Weak formulationΒΆ

When we already have a mesh and a space, we have to know what equations we will be solving on those. And that is where the weak formulation comes to the light. Of course, there is a vast mathematical background of differential equations, their weak solutions, Sobolev spaces, etc., but we assume of those, our users already have a good knowledge. Right here we are concerned with the implementation. A typical creation of a weak formulation for the use with Hermes might look like this:

// Initialize the weak formulation.
// This is a weak formulation for linear elasticity, with custom
// parameters of the constructor.
// There is a lot of documentation for using some predefined
// weak forms, as well as creating your own. See the info below.
CustomWeakFormLinearElasticity wf(E, nu, rho*g1, "Top", f0, f1);

More about a typical basic weak form can be found in the ‘hermes-tutorial’ documentation, section ‘A-linear’, chapter ‘03-poisson’.

More about creating a custom weak form can be found in other tutorial examples. One always needs to subclass the Hermes::Hermes2D::WeakForm<Scalar> class template. For defining custom forms (integrals), one needs to subclass templates Hermes::Hermes2D::MatrixFormVol<Scalar>, MatrixFormSurf<Scalar>, VectorFormVol<Scalar>, VectorFormSurf<Scalar>. A typical constructor of a derived class:

template<> DefaultMatrixFormVol<std::complex<double> >::DefaultMatrixFormVol
  (int i, int j, std::string area, Hermes2DFunction<std::complex<double> >* coeff,
  SymFlag sym, GeomType gt)
  : MatrixFormVol<std::complex<double> >(i, j, area, sym), coeff(coeff), gt(gt)
  // If coeff is HERMES_ONE, initialize it to be constant 1.0.
  if(coeff == HERMES_ONE)
    this->coeff = new Hermes2DFunction<std::complex<double> >
    (std::complex<double>(1.0, 1.0));

In this constructor:

template<> DefaultMatrixFormVol<std::complex<double> >
// means that this is an explicit instantiation of a template for
// complex numbers (DefaultMatrixFormVol, the derived class, is actually also
// a template, as the prent class is).

int i, j
// coordinates in the system of equations, first is the row (basis functions),
// second the column (test functions).

std::string area //(typically optional)
// either a std::string for the marker on which this form will be evaluated,
// or HERMES_ANY constant for 'any', i.e. all markers
// (this is the default in the parent class constructor).

Hermes2DFunction<std::complex<double> >*coeff //(typically optional)
// custom function having its meaning specified in the
// calculating methods (see further). The constant HERMES_ONE,
// that really represents the number 1.0, is the default
// in the parent class constructor.

SymFlag sym //(typically optional)
// symmetry flag
// see the 'hermes-tutorial' documentation, section 'A-linear', chapter '03-poisson'.

GeomType gt //(typically optional)
// to distinguish between the normal 2D settings (HERMES_PLANAR),
// or an axisymmetric one. See the 'hermes-tutorial' documentation,
// section 'A-linear', chapter '09-axisym' for more details.

In those, the main methods to override are value(...), and ord(...), calculating the value and integration order respectively. It is a good idea to refer to the default forms (located in the library repository, with headers in hermes2d/include/weakform_library/.h and the sources in hermes2d/src/weakform_library/.cpp). The header is pretty self-explanatory:

// MatrixForm.
virtual Scalar value(int n, double *wt, Func<Scalar> *u_ext[], Func<double> *u,
  Func<double> *v, Geom<double> *e, Func<Scalar> **ext) const;

// A typical implementation.
template<typename Scalar> Scalar DefaultMatrixFormVol<Scalar>::value(int n,
  double *wt, Func<Scalar> *u_ext[], Func<double> *u, Func<double> *v,
  Geom<double> *e, Func<Scalar> **ext) const
  Scalar result = 0;

  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
    result += wt[i] * coeff->value(e->x[i], e->y[i]) * u->val[i] * v->val[i];

// VectorForm.
// Identical to MatrixForm, only the basis function is missing for obvious reasons.
virtual Scalar value(int n, double *wt, Func<Scalar> *u_ext[], Func<double> *v,
    Geom<double> *e, Func<Scalar> **ext) const;

In these:

int n
// number of integration points.

double *wt
// integration weights (an array containing 'n' values).

Func<Scalar> *u_ext
// values from previous Newton iterations, as many as there are spaces
// (equations) in the system.

Func<double> *u
// the basis function, represented by the class Func.
// For more info about the class, see the developers documentation (in doxygen).
// How to get that, see the documentation section.

Func<double> *v
// the test function, represented by the class Func.
// For more info about the class, see the developers documentation (in doxygen).

Geom<double> *e
// geometry attributes: coordinates, element size,
// normal directions (for surface forms), you name it.
// For more info about the class, see the developers documentation (in doxygen).

Func<Scalar> **ext
// external functions, as many as you like
// (provided you set it up in constructor of your weak formulation
// derived from the class WeakForm).
// For more info about the class, see the developers documentation (in doxygen).

Now we have a space and a weak formulation, we are ready to calculate!

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