Mac OS

Download and compilation

Known issues: Hermes has built-in OpenGL visualization based on FreeGlut, but this package comes with certain installation difficulties. If you encounter Glut-related problems, set H2D_WITH_GLUT to NO in Cmake.vars, build Hermes without Glut, and use VTK output for visualization.

Step 1: Make sure you have XCode installed. This should be on the installation disks which came with your Mac. XCode contains the GNU compilers, make and many other things which are required to build Hermes.

Step 3: Install the following libraries and applications: Suitesparse, glew, cmake, git. If you don’t already have these on your Mac, then the easiest way to get them is to use MacPorts (which is an application which allows you to easily install and manage UNIX libraries and applications on your Mac) by doing the following:

  1. Download and install MacPorts from
  2. Do ‘sudo port install suitesparse glew’.
  3. If you don’t already have git installed, do ‘sudo port install git’.
  4. If you don’t already have cmake installed, do ‘sudo port install cmake’.

Step 4: Get the Hermes source code as described at the beginning of the Linux section above. Change to the directory where you want to download the Hermes source and clone the git repository either from the server:

git clone

or from Github:

git clone git://

These two repositories are synchronized. For more advanced users we recommend to create a free account at Github (if you do not have one yet), fork the Hermes repository, and then clone your Github copy of Hermes to your local computer. This will establish links between your local copy and the master repository, and you’ll become part of the Hermes network at Github.

Step 5: Configure and build Hermes by changing dir to ‘hermes/’, and then typing ‘cmake .’ and ‘make’. If you have more than one CPU, you can use ‘make -jN’ where N is the number of CPUs of your computer. To set the location where Hermes will be installed, pass the -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<your location> flag to cmake (i.e. to install in /usr/local, replace the cmake command above with ‘cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local .’).

Step 6: Install Hermes by doing ‘make install’.

More options

You can turn on and off various components to build, just create the CMake.vars file and add the following:


(and any other option that you would like to change, see CMakeLists.txt for the whole list).

For development, it is good to say (in global CMake.vars):

set(DEBUG YES) to compile debug versions
set(RELEASE YES) to compile release versions

Then type:

make debug    (to build debug versions)
make release  (to build release versions)

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Installation of Matrix Solvers